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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

Update is now live, so as I said, I'd post the comparison to show Ryo has been photoshopped:


Basically, the face isn't ready to show. Ryo's arms and legs look less spindly than they did during the reveal, though.
by Spaghetti
Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:42 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

Well, they HAD a trailer and showed it to the fans so I can't really tell if it's perfectionism, fear of the press, backlash or a PR/marketing thing.

I wouldn't know. Apparently there aren't many UE developers in japan, but at the same time, it's what they say they have already almost cooked... I don't know looking at the temple screen, the texturing doesn't look too good in things that should be easy fix (pretty much tesselation, heightmaps or parallax occlusion can do the work).

I'm just happy that the thing is coming, and I don't know if I would like an update "well, this thing it's harder to make than what I thought" even if it's sincere, I don't know, I'll just wait my doubts out.

It's a fact that there are a lot of wrong things in the temple screen. Random generated mountains, no bump mapping, ugly 2D vegetation, low res texture. Even the lightning is pretty generic, like if a student played with the saturation sliders of UE4.
The one with the minigame is strange as well. It's photo-realistic but there is absolutely no art direction in this. The other screen with the fight is cool and reminds the Shenmue II pre-ragdoll attempts but there are also a lot of odd things there.

That's really weird because, as you said, plenty of things could have done more proprely in 2 minutes. I wonder if Suzuki just wants to play with our nerves and is willing to prepare a huge surprise after all.
by Yokosuka
Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:26 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

It's really dishonest to sum up my argumentation by a "lack of bump-mapping", especially for making valuable your attitude in the previous week. But as I just promised, I'm not reopening the arena. Please read the entirety of my critics next time.
by Yokosuka
Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:38 pm
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Re: What kind of minigames do you think will be in this game

I sure hope they don't put mini-games that doesn't mesh well with the game's setting just to please the fans. If forklifts are too urban for Chobou, then I'd rather not see them. Nor an arcade.

I'm guessing there will be board games, gambling... Maybe some mini-game that has something to do with farming in Bailu. I can't remember exactly, but Shenhua said something about a job in Shenmue 2 that involves the fields, I forgot what she said, but I remember thinking "I bet I'm going to work there when I arrive at Bailu".
yup i don't think something like an arcade center would fit in SIII settings. you know what? after thinking about it even something like Arm Wrestling might not fit with the culture & traditions there.
Shenmue 2 has a complete different feel to it compared to Shenmue 1 and i believe Shenmue 3 would be an even more of a different experience compared to the rest of the games.
by Suzuki Yu
Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:39 pm
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Jump to topic Yu Suzuki Interview interviews annually celebrities from the gaming industry, asking each one questions on the retrospective of that year and future aspirations, and Yu Suzuki was one of the 149 celebrities interviewed this year. There are four questions asked for each celebrity, and here is Yu Suzuki's part of the interview, published on December 28:

*As Japanese is not my forte, I'll not attempt to translate the questions and answers word by word (Switch or Axm can absolutely do a better job than me). I'll do my best with my basic knowledge of the language and whatever software translator I can conjure up, so sorry for any possible mistakes on translating the following.

The first question is basically about what game most impressed Yu in 2016.

His answer was that because of the development of Shenmue 3, he didn't have time to play anything. But given what he saw in TGS, he liked the in-game colors from "Horizon Zero Dawn", the control mechanics from "God of War" and the UI and effects from "Assassin's Creed". Yu also mentions having ordered "Final Fantasy XV".

The second question is about Yu's opinion on the most impressive piece of entertainment released in 2016.

Yu answers that he has been focused on watching Chinese and South Korean period movies and dramas, because of Shenmue. He then cites the Chinese movies "Reign of Assassins" (2010) and "The Grandmaster" (2013), praising and repeatedly re-watching the techniques and sense of speed used in those action titles for research.
As for 2016, Yu mentions the Japanese blockbuster hits "Shin Godzilla" and the anime movie "Your Name", describing "Shin Godzilla" as giving off a sense of Japanese cultural pride and "Your Name" a representation of pure love in this day and age.

The third question asks of Yu to name a person or people that he's been following (in the news) in 2016.

He names Japanese table tennis player Jun Mizutani, and billiards players Jeffrey Ignacio and Naoyuki Oi.

For the last question, it's asked what is Yu's aspirations for 2017 and a message for the 4Gamer readers.

Yu mentions Shenmue 3, as research and development advances, it reached the point where you can imagine the final image of the various elements coming together in the game. Yu has many things he'd like to share with us, like characters, environments and mini games, but he will do so in a gradual manner going forward in 2017. He asks all of us to continue supporting the project.

by sand4fish
Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:40 am
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Re: Size and detail of the world

I recall a year or so ago Suzuki compared Choubu in scale to Kowloon, and this is a while after he compared it to Dobuita, so I guess he may have changed the size of it. Perhaps after it made $6 million instead of $2 million? We also know that the forest around Bailu is going to be 4x4 km.
I think the Kowloon comparison wasn't about the size, but more about the density and general aesthetics.
I can't find the link, but I'm 99% sure it was in reference to "scale".

Yu refers to Kowloon in the China conference video:

YS: "In Shenmue 2 we had Kowloon. [...] I'd like to make an area like that, that's large and maze-like. I want to include a river-side town similar to Kowloon."
by Switch
Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:40 pm
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Re: S3 gameplay - Movement style and controls

Briefly my idea of Shenmue 3 movement would be as follows:

Full 360 3d movement and 360 camera movement by default, aka Yakuza, LA noire etc BUT;

Exact controls:
L stick - 360 3d movement walk/jog

no no... NO!
the camera should stick behind Ryo all the fucking time except for zoom into objects just like it was before.
and they should stick with Tank control not 360 degree movement crap.

seriously if Suzuki san changes a lot of the control scheme i will start to question if he really knows what he is doing anymore.. yup design wise it's THAT of a crucial part that was serving an important rule to immerse the player.
and this is not nostalgically speaking this will truly hurt part of strong immersion known in the series.

i stated before in one of the topics related to the subject that all they need to do really is simply assign the right analog for camera(head) movement and the actual movement should be optional between D-pad/left analog.
some minor additions would be sweet as well like touch pad for the note pad as you stated.
that's all about it.
by Suzuki Yu
Thu Apr 27, 2017 12:25 pm
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Re: S3 gameplay - Movement style and controls

no no... NO!
the camera should stick behind Ryo all the fucking time except for zoom into objects just like it was before.
and they should stick with Tank control not 360 degree movement crap.

I think this would be a recipe for getting savaged in reviews. Keep tank controls as an option but have an updated control scheme as default. There's a reason why they're called "tank" controls and not "natural human motion" controls. This is supposed to be a game for millions of people, not just the players from the Dreamcast era. It should be possible to cater to both.
i don't care about the reviewers and what they might think is necessary for modern controls.
i don't agree with anyone saying the "Tank" control is outdated! it's a design choice that could fit/not fit with the game associated with.
there is a reason why the previous games controlled that way (body movement & camera movement) and if it's not for the lack of the left analog on the Dreamcast controller it would be absolutely a perfect controls for the series.
everything about the movement and camera makes you feel like you are Ryo you are in his shoes and you are observing your surroundings. being able to move the camera around Ryo and in front of his face rather than controlling his head will make you lose a lot of this sensation.
and i am completely against your point regarding the "natural human motion" too
for example take a look at this video at (09:23) basically most of the games (if not all of them) using this so called modern controls the character would act like this when you rotate him.
how can anyone consider this as a natural human motion and Ryo's motion is not! Ryo's motions are more natural than most of the games i played in my entire life! you feel his weight and feel his body parts moving around accurately.
by Suzuki Yu
Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:26 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

People who aren't satisfied with the model, can you elaborate in detail why? Most of the posts I've read were "It doesn't feel like Shenmue" or "It's too cartoony"... I'm trying to understand why people would think so, and the only thing I can see is the skin shader being a little plasticky... That's pretty much it. And that is something that can easily be improved.

The face, proportions, and clothing are fine.The overall design is 100% the Shenmue I know and love. They translated the design from concept art to 3D model incredibly well. He is supposed to be this weird, overly muscular character with a creepy smile, I can't imagine him looking better than he already does in 3D. This bodes well for the rest of the characters, I say.
i can't agree more.

i think they did a phenomenal job with this Model to the point i am so confident right now more than ever that the rest of the models will get the exact great & detailed treatment that this model has. and therefore i can't wait to see the familiar characters and how they would look like using the new technology.

some people here are bringing up the old shitty placeholder models and argue about it as if the new model is in the same category? no it's not it's faaaaaaaaaaar superior! it's not even has to be refined a lot in the final product.

as a matter of fact i was really concerned with what we saw before and even though i knew those were placeholders i was questioning myself if the team had what it takes to make great modeling job until i saw this video! in fact this video is one of the best videos they released so far for this reason.

Proportions are far from fine in my opinion. I feel like in the past the 3D modelers tried to ground the concept art (the Joy example was good), but now they make it look even more outlandish hence it doesn't mesh well with the environment.

i don't see the problem really regarding the proportions.
this guy supposed to be incredibly muscular based on the original artwork. (it's not like real men can't be like this) and they did a phenomenal job translating that into 3D. does anyone supposed to be like that? of course not. but the message i am getting from this video is that whomever is responsible for this model know his work very well and can do a great job at the other characters. even the body animation was superb.

as for the character in that picture being out of place?
first of all you can't just take a random background picture of the game which is unfinished yet and mash it up with this new model! you made this picture out of place.
secondly i am far more pleased with the work done in this model than the environment in that picture, the latter need more work not the other way around.
by Suzuki Yu
Tue May 30, 2017 9:21 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

In my opinion, the modeling of this new character is incredible, much better than the last version of Ryo that we saw in March. Which makes me think that when they show the definitive model of Ryo will impress us.

This character has an incredible amount of detail, far superior to the Shenmue passport. And all this still unfinished and without animations. The artist who is doing this really knows what he is doing.

You may or may not like the style of the character, but you can not deny what a good job. I really want to see characters like Ren or Xiuying.

On the other hand, if they definitely delay the game, I hope they show a video that leaves us with our mouths open and with a bit of luck we can have the demo this year.
by Hazuki00
Wed May 31, 2017 6:08 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

Here is the older version of this guy with higher forehead. This is just a paint job in 30sec....
dude, he is still waaaay too serious and bold.
this goes completely against the original concept of the character that they are trying to craft.

i know what you are trying to get here but come on people it's not like this style doesn't exist in the originals
i mean look at this guy's face
explain to me how the approach with this design is considered far away from the new character design?

and look how big he is compared to poor Ryo

the fucking thing is HUGE!
by Suzuki Yu
Wed May 31, 2017 9:59 pm
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Three Weeks Remai

Three weeks still to the gamescom, it looks like a never end! Sometimes it seems like a dream that we are going to see Shenmue 3, I never lost faith but It was almost impossible for me and now we are only three weeks to see it properly!

How will look like Shenhua, Ryo and the "old" characters?
How will it be to play with the new free battle mode after Suzuki's new ideas?
How big will be the game compared to Shenmue 2?
Will the NPCs have their own daily routines as they had in previous games?
How will look like the NPCs?
I have tons of questions!

I have most of these questions covered, in one way or another. But if you have tonnes, by all means say. Anyone can think of any questions they can think of then knock yourselves out. But think about them from the point of view of them being questions he can answer. There's no point asking him, "uuhh, when's the rewards going out?". Those are Awesome Japan's & Fangamers responsibility.

Got my press pass approved this morning. Now time to make plans.

Great news! I wish I can be there too... :)

Shame we can't catch up during the public days, but hope you have fun!

There'll hopefully be free wifi available throughout the showfloor, so I'll try to see if I can get some live streaming set up. (

In any case I'll post or tweet (@yuc2002) what I see during the public days as soon as I can, so keep your eyes peeled!

We should be able to catch up I am sure. I am just not trying to have a set plan for the duration. Running around to meet people at specific times just adds pressure to it, so communicating over there, with all Shenmue fans is the way to go. It keeps things organic, and we are all going to be in the same location over the 3 days so it's not going to be difficult. Plus, we need to wait on more info from YSNET regarding meetings and whatnot.

I may stream live to the SD Facebook page. It's just an idea at the moment, again, nothing set in stone. I could do a video recap live. Or just stream footage live from the Shenmue booth etc. Even though theres the industry day, the business area is also open for 3 days just like the public areas so it gives me plenty of time to scope it out and put a plan together.
Say for example, if I get a feel for the booth, it's environment, I could say, "Can't get access to the business area to see Shenmue? No problem! Tune into SD Facebook tomorrow for a live hosting of their booth and what goes on during this event."

I may not be allowed to do that, but we will see. It's just one idea of many.
by Peter
Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:53 am
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Re: Who needs Shenmue 3?

I swear to god, the (usually RGG) fanboys that every time feel the need to push this "the Yakuza and Shenmue series shouldn't coexist because my favourite one is so much better and then nobody needs the other" stupid argument are like the most dumb and obtuse people ever.

Yes, they share a lot of superficial similarities, they're both free roaming games set in Japan/Asia with occasional fightings, but that's kinda it, they're deeply different, but this doesn't make one series or another objectively better, you can actually enjoy both, like i guess most people on this site do.

I'm sure that the OP article is well written and on point, still i highly dislike shameless and unnecessary clickbait headlines, so i refuse to open that link.
by Verderame
Thu Aug 10, 2017 3:57 pm
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

The real Ryo for me, the ingame one:
by Yokosuka
Thu Aug 17, 2017 1:45 pm
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Re: Update #78: Then, Now and Tomorrow

it took almost two years to make "acceptable" models of the two main characters
facial expressions and animations are not done yet,
we now have fewer characters than what's been initially announced
the new fighting system will be puzzle-based and more aimed towards causal players so we can kiss anything close to the decent fighting system of Shenmue and Shenmue II goodbye,
and finally another delay is highly expected.

I'm struggling to find a statement in your post that even resembles reality. Maybe that it won't look like a AAA blockbuster? (No shit). It's beyond me how you've been unbanned. You're either a troll or nuts.

Feel free to disagree with everything I say, but this is my own opinion and everyone's entitled to have one.
by Technophilz
Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:13 am
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"Immersion": Yu Suzuki's Keyword for 2018

Japanese website has carried out their annual survey, interviewing 107 game creators to ask their resolution for the year ahead and personal direction for 2018.

I've posted up an English translation of Yu Suzuki's responses on the Phantom River Stone blog. His keyword for the coming year is "immersion" as he will be devoting all his energy to the Shenmue III project.
by Switch
Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:03 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Considering that most people's objections to Shenmue_Legend's tweets is that they're embarrassing for the fan base (and potentially the game/developers by association), I'm not sure how this was supposed to help, sutoji.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:28 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Why have I been banned? I thought it was a 7 day suspension?
You will forever be banned, you are not welcome here. No matter how many accounts you make because all you do is annoy others with your trolling and pestering others on Twitter.

According to the IP checks, you and Shenmue_Legend are one and the same.

I haven't got time for your split personality, so do one.
by Sonoshee
Wed Jan 10, 2018 4:15 pm
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You are not authorised to read this forum.
by Guest
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

That's an Unreal Engine thing, isn't it?

Not really... it's art direction, not the engine. Games running on UE4, Unity, or any other modern engine can look as realistic or as stylized as the developers choose.

With regard to Shenmue, I guess it goes back to the discussion we had previously wherein it was revealed that many people in 1999 apparently thought Shenmue was the most realistic game they'd ever seen, even though almost all the textures are painted and many of the characters are stylized. Personally I prefer stylized art direction (Jet Set Radio being my favorite) and it seems to hold up over the years better than attempts at photorealism. But I also appreciate the drive for photorealism because it continues to push the technology.
by Centrale
Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:09 am
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|Shenmue 3 Hype| Shenmue Combo/FREE Battle Compliation

phpBB [video]

In celebration for Shenmue III coming out this year(God willing), I've compiled up a combo video showing off the amazing Virtua Fighter FREE Battle System featured in Shenmue I and Shenmue II. Let's get sweaty!
by TheKenjitoMaster
Mon Mar 05, 2018 9:46 pm
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Re: Corey Marshall currently set to record VO in late May

So exciting to think that Corey Marshall willsoon be sitting in a studio, somewhere in the world, recording for nothing less than Shenmue 3. Yes, Shenmue 3 :D
by Hyo Razuki
Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:23 pm
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New Shenmue III pics from THQ Nordic financial presentation

Small clip of new footage...! We get to see the little girl introduced in MAGIC 2018 in motion, and a small clip of Ryo in a village. And I mean small. It is from today's THQ Nordic financial presentation:

Skip to the slides where they briefly talk about Shenmue. Around slide 20.

EDIT: looks like (what I hope to be) old, outdated Ryo and Shenhua models in a slightly different Gamescom teaser. Interesting stuff.


Images added to OP. Thanks to Rikitatsu and Kiske for the images below .

Video added
by Supa
Thu May 17, 2018 12:01 am
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Re: New Shenmue III pics from THQ Nordic financial presentat

So much progress has already been made. One more year and this game will finally be ready.



by WildManofBorneo
Fri May 18, 2018 3:28 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

I've been with contact with Robert Pontow from Deep Silver, who is working on Shenmue 3.
I told him about Eric Kelso, Paul Lucas, and Lisle Wilkerson, and how they want to return to Shenmue 3. This is his reply:

Hi, thanks for contacting me. Would you have any email addresses of the voice actors, their agents or any other means of contacting them? Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to discuss anything over FB, so we would need to take an official way to get in contact with the voice actors. But I am sure that Yu Suzuki would be happy if we can secure the same crew for Shenmue 3. Best regards

This means there is hope yet. I will try to find a way to get in touch with those three, I'll tweet Shenmue AM2 podcast who had been in touch with them recently. If you guys know anything that might help, let me know too

This also confirms my suspicion that they didn't know that the VA's wanted to return

I was talking to Eric this morning. Him, Paul and Lisle have been concerned for a few months now. They talk once a month and still haven't heard a word. Eric has his schedule cleared for the entire year waiting.

those who want to see Eric Kelso, Paul Lucas and Lisle Wilkerson (@lisleweapon) return for 3, please tweet requests to the following:


by johnvivant
Thu May 24, 2018 6:13 am
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So I decided to get another Digital copy through the slacker backer, after paying the only thing I get is the PayPal receipt on my E-mail. No confirmation from YsNET, no survey... It's been 5 days and still nothing. Is this normal or should I contact them?

It's normal other than the lack of survey. Head over to here and see if you can request your survey
I did this, and it sent me this mail:

Hey there,

We did not find any surveys matching this email. Perhaps you may have used a different email address? You can try again with a different email on the Survey Support and Survey Resender.


it takes 10 business days from pledge date to get survey:

*Backers will receive an email with instructions for the survey once preparations are complete. Surveys from Fangamer will be sent within 10 business days from the date of your pledge.
by johnvivant
Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:32 am
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So I decided to get another Digital copy through the slacker backer, after paying the only thing I get is the PayPal receipt on my E-mail. No confirmation from YsNET, no survey... It's been 5 days and still nothing. Is this normal or should I contact them?

It's normal other than the lack of survey. Head over to here and see if you can request your survey
by Reprise
Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:38 am
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