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Re: Yu Suzuki interview by Shenmue Dojo & Team Yu (MAGIC 201

Yu Suzuki speaks on Shenmue III, the role of developers, and the future of gaming

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Traducción al español por Jose Guerrero:
Yu Suzuki habla sobre Shenmue III, el papel de los desarrolladores, y el futuro de los videojuegos

La última vez que jugamos en Shenmue como Ryo Hazuki, se encontraba inmerso en un viaje de descubrimiento en tierras extranjeras, siguiendo el rastro del hombre que alteró inesperadamente el curso de su historia; guiada por los hilos del destino.

Igual de inesperado ha sido para dos representantes de Shenmue Dojo y de Team Yu , tras numerosas coincidencias, verse envueltos en un viaje con el objetivo de dar con el creador de la saga, Yu Suzuki; y lograr así que fuera entrevistado por primera vez por la comunidad angloparlante.

Al igual que nuestro camino a Mónaco, el camino a Shenmue III ha sido montañoso. Pero gracias a una cascada de eventos: una comunidad fan organizada , el alzamiento de Kickstarter , los equipos de producción 3rd party de Sony, e inversores privados (con Shibuya Productions en cabeza), se pudo construir un túnel que facilitara el acceso a este impenetrable paisaje.

Con la soñada secuela ya en desarrollo. En el MAGIC Monaco organizado por Shibuya Productions (conferencia anual de videojuegos, anime y fandom), pudo verse un nuevo e inédito avance del juego. Al nuevo material le cayó literalmente una tormenta encima, ya que una de las cosas que pudieron verse fue el renovado sistema meteorológico dinámico; una vieja y célebre característica de la saga.

Cuando preparábamos nuestra entrevista (la que existe gracias a los veteranos de , ¡os debemos una!), hicimos una larga lista de preguntas entre las que elegir llegado el día. De tener más tiempo, una de ellas hubiera tenido que ver con una pregunta que Suzuki contestó de forma divertida en su primera aparición en el Shenmue Tweetathon mensual.

Cuando se le preguntó sobre las semejanzas argumentales entre Shenmue y el clásico de Shakespeare Hamlet, Suzuki twiteó : "Lo siento, no he leído Hamlet. Aunque sí que conozco a Hamtaro." Hamtaro es un hámster de animación japonés, y la fuente de muchas de las bromas que hacían más amenas nuestras sesiones de planificación en línea.

Así que llegar a la ciudad y encontrarnos con un póster publicitario del mismísimo Hamlet en mitad de Montecarlo... tuvimos que mirarlo por lo menos dos veces ante nuestro desconcierto.

Y una vez empezamos a ver cosas, no pudimos parar.

Un coche negro esperando fuera del hotel. Trabajadores ajustando un cartel en mitad de la calle. Máquinas expendedoras de Cocacola y de cápsulas con juguetes cerca del lugar de la conferencia. Pasos de piedra encima del agua en un jardín japonés cercano. Máquinas recreativas con volantes y réplicas de motos, sin olvidarnos del juego de Kung-Fu Panda titulado Mojo Dojo.

Pero, por supuesto, solo nos podemos percatar de este tipo de referencias con la predisposición adecuada. En junio, haciendo escala por Seattle en su camino al gran anuncio de Shenmue III en el E3, el equipo de crowdfunding del juego estuvo imbuido por la ironía cuando se dieron cuenta de que la puerta de embarque de su vuelo era la S3.

Pero por fortuna para nuestra salud mental, las tempranas previsiones meteorológicas que indicaban que nuestro encuentro en Mónaco caería en un día el que la nieve dejaría paso a la lluvia no eran del todo acertadas, ya que finalmente no cayó nada de nieve. Las correctamente predichas gotas de agua impidieron que pudiéramos grabar escenas en el exterior para nuestro vídeo ; pero podréis leer lo que hicimos en forma de relato en multitud de idiomas para saber más detalles y sorpresas que no hemos cubierto aquí.

Al llegar al MAGIC, nosotros; Peter, contribuyente de cinco dígitos del Kickstarter y James, fundador de la campaña #SaveShenmue ; nos sentimos sobrepasados positivamente por nuestros huéspedes; llevaban unos cosplays increíblemente elaborados, basados en todo tipo de animación, ilustraciones y artes interactivas. Se anunciaron nuevos proyectos en vivo para los emocionados fans, y había colas de gente esperando pacientemente para recibir autógrafos de sus creadores favoritos. Este evento ha sido un refugio y una mina de oro para los apasionados seguidores de un entretenimiento nicho, quienes, por un día multicultural, han venido al Foro Grimaldi como una fusión colorida de descarado entusiasmo.

Y ese es el tipo de dedicación y apego emocional a trabajos de arte moderno que brotó de la mente de Yu Suzuki cuando le preguntamos cómo se sintió, tras quince años de incertidumbre, por estar por fin creando su juego más esperado.

"Creo que a muy pocos desarrolladores del mundo se les brinda este tipo de oportunidad," nos dijo. "Y luego están los fans, que han esperado quince... dieciséis años sin perder la esperanza." En algunos de los vídeos del día del anuncio hay hasta fans llorando de felicidad.

Cuando se le preguntó si ha tenido alguna vez alguna experiencia semejante con alguna historia en una película o libro, nos dijo que no se le ocurría nada que se acercara al sentimiento al que los fans de Shenmue se han acostumbraron tras años de dura espera.

Cuando hablábamos sobre otros medios de contar historias, le preguntamos cuán de importante era para él completar Shenmue como videojuego; ya que algunos jugones, cansados de esperar ; veían con buenos ojos la posibilidad de conocer el final de la saga en un formato más pasivo.

"Ser un juego es lo más importante," dijo de la saga aún sin conclusión. "Creo que el propósito de Shenmue radica en ser un videojuego." Añadió que, a pesar de ser únicamente uno de los aspectos que conforman Shenmue, recibió muchas preguntas sobre el argumento, así que siempre sintió la responsabilidad de contar cómo concluiría; por ello había considerado otras opciones, como la novela gráfica o el anime.

Ahora que ya ha tomado la decisión de que Shenmue III sea un juego, le preguntamos si el proyecto se ha encontrado con algún reto inesperado. Suzuki nos contestó que, ya que Unreal 4; su motor gráfico preferido; era relativamente nuevo, y disponía de poco soporte en japonés, fue difícil encontrar expertos en su país. "Por suerte, ahora en nuestros despachos tenemos expertos cualificados," dijo sonriendo.

Algo que se sabe de Shenmue III, antes siquiera de saber que motor usaba, era que Ryo por fin podría cambiar su característica chaqueta de cuero por nueva muda de ropa limpia. Pero, ¿hasta donde llegará el nivel de personalización?

"Todavía no hemos llegado al punto en el que nos encargamos de eso, así que es difícil contestar," admitió Suzuki-san, "Pero al menos me gustaría que se pudiera cambiar de ropa. Y sobre Shenhua, como su casa está cerca, si su ropa siempre fuera la misma, implicaría que solo tiene un traje, ¡y eso no sería bueno!"

Suzuki añadió que quiere "crear buenos diseños" para la indumentaria de Shenhua, y cooperar con algún diseñador de ropa real para lograrlo.

Pero, ¿y qué ocurre con el diseño del juego? A Shenmue se le conoce, para bien o para mal, por popularizar los QTE ; una mecánica jugable que otros desarrolladores suelen usar de forma abusiva; pero que en las aventuras de Ryo estaban implementados de forma intuitiva y natural.

Cuando comparaba el uso de los QTE de la nueva secuela con la de los juegos originales, Yu explicó, "Los conceptos básicos serán los mismos: Es un 'Quick Timer' (temporizador rápido), así que las pulsaciones de botones son fáciles; hasta las personas que no son buenas en juegos de reflejos podrán hacerlo bien. El nivel de dificultad se ajusta automáticamente dependiendo del número de veces que falles, es un sistema que casa muy bien con los juegos narrativos. Aún si eres un jugador malísimo, serás capaz de progresar."

Ampliando sobre el tema, añade: "Lo que describí eran las cosas buenas que tienen los QTEs, pero hay otras con las que no estoy muy contento, estas pulsaciones de botones son demasiado fáciles para los jugones muy muy buenos en juegos donde los reflejos tienen importancia, como en Virtua Fighter. Espero poder solucionar este problema."

Sabemos que los veteranos del Ghost Hall Building de la ciudad Kowloon en Shenmue II disfrutarán de los retos. Pero aquellos sin la habilidad de poder pulsar botones que aparecen solo un instante en pantalla no tienen por qué preocuparse, Suzuki os tiene a cubierto: "Ser fácil está bien, mientras sea divertido".

Cuando le preguntamos sobre el uso de la música en Shenmue III, el maestro explicó: "concibiendo la saga pensé en composiciones musicales que encajaran en las escenas que formarían cada capítulo, es por ello que tenemos bastantes composiciones disponibles, todas magníficas. Me aventuro a decir que ni siquiera el 20% de ellas han sido usadas en Shenmue I y II."

"Con Shenmue III estaremos creando muchas piezas musicales nuevas, pero también le daremos uso a las viejas en las composiciones, por ejemplo. Hay muchas piezas que pegan bien con el concepto original, este es el planteamiento que querría seguir."

Fue música para nuestros oídos saber que, gracias a un pozo inexplorado de pistas musicales producidas al principio de la saga, y a nuevas melodías aún por añadir, la banda sonora digna de salón de fama de Shenmue será aún más épica con el lanzamiento del tercer juego.

Un sorprendente tema de interés entre los fans desde el comienzo de la campaña de crowdfunding el año pasado ha sido los dos logos que se han usado en avances, páginas web e imágenes promocionales. Uno usaba el estilo a mano tradicional visto en los dos primeros juegos, mientras que el otro es nuevo en la saga, y usaba un estilo con letras más separadas. Con tanta curiosidad al respecto sentimos la necesidad de preguntar a Yu sobre ello.

"El que más me gusta es ese logo," dijo, mientras apuntaba al nuevo logo, en la camiseta de Peter. "El motivo es que, desde hace poco... ¿sabes lo que es la letra cursiva? Ese tipo de letra que se pegan tanto unas a otras entre sí, con el estilo de tu camiseta las letras están separadas entre sí. Dicen que ahora hay muchos jóvenes que no pueden leer la cursiva, es por eso que he decidido separar los caracteres del logo de Shenmue, y así hacerlo más fácil de leer."

Si Shenmue quiere alcanzar nuevas audiencias en estos tiempos, uno de los obstáculos que tendrá que superar es que su nombre no significa nada para los no japoneses que no sepan con antelación de su relevancia. Como su nombre es tan poco conocido en el resto de idiomas, quizás hacerlo más fácil de leer es un paso importante para evitar que los jugadores casuales lo ignoren cuando lo vean en tiendas de videojuegos.

¿Pero es un hecho que Shenmue III se podrá comprar en tiendas físicas y digitales por aquellos que no hayan contribuido en su campaña de crowdfunding? Suzuki se dio bastante prisa en negar cualquier cosa que pudiera sugerir lo contrario: "Sí, por supuesto que podrán."

Aprovechando que salió el tema, le preguntamos si los fans recibirán nuevas recompensas en la campaña Slacker Backer que sigue abierta; como la versión de PC del juego, que está ausente en esta campaña; o la posibilidad de que los contribuyentes de la campaña Kickstarter puedan mejorar el nivel de su recompensa incrementando su donación original a través de PayPal.

Por desgracia, como suele ocurrir en cualquier interacción bilingüe, cuando interpretaron nuestra pregunta para Suzuki-san, esta se transformó en un "¿Se añadirá algo nuevo a la campaña? Como la versión de PC o algún objeto de la campaña de Kickstarter, por ejemplo."

"No puedo decir lo que ocurrirá en el futuro", contestó Suzuki a la interpretación de nuestra pregunta. "Pero no hay nada nuevo planeado por ahora, esta campaña está únicamente dirigida a la gente que no pudo adquirir recompensas, por el motivo que fuera, en la campaña de Kickstarter. Lo que queremos es darles la oportunidad de comprar los mismos objetos, bueno, menos los que son exclusivos de la campaña Kickstarter. Pero quise hacer que los no exclusivos pudieran estar disponibles para aquellos que perdieron la oportunidad con el Kickstarter."

Otro tema candente de discusión entre la comunidad es si Shenmue III tendrá las icónicas escenas de carga de la saga, en las que podían verse la hora y el lugar donde Ryo se encontraba cada vez que entraba en una zona.

Suzuki no tenía planes de incluirlas en el nuevo juego debido a los nuevos avances tecnológicos que han hecho a las escenas de carga obsoletas. Pero tras barajar el tema en nuestra entrevista, añadió: "Entonces creo que son algo muy característico de Shenmue, ¿verdad? lo pensaré mejor."

Algo que sabemos que sí que hará acto de presencia en Shenmue III es el sistema de Perspectiva de Personaje (Character Perspective), una nueva funcionalidad que se desbloqueó para ser desarrollada tras alcanzar uno de los objetivos extra de la campaña de crowdfunding. Ahora que podríamos tomar el control de los aliados de Ryo por primera vez, nos interesamos en saber cómo de diferente sería la experiencia de jugar como Ren o Shenhua. Por ejemplo ¿el líder de la banda callejera de Hong Kong emplearía un estilo de lucha diferente al del protagonista?

Suzuki confirmó que el estilo de combate de Ren sería diferente al de Ryo, y que Shenhua no pelea, "es inteligente y usa otras tácticas," añadió, antes de explicar que el sistema de Perspectiva de Personaje no es simplemente un sistema que cambia a tu personaje; simula la personalidad de la persona, la forma que tienen de pensar y de comportarse.

Eso es ya de por sí un nuevo reto para un desarrollador que nunca se ha cortado creando diferentes estilos de juego. Con un catálogo de juegos tan diverso a sus espaldas, ¿existe algún género nuevo con el que le gustaría probar?

"Sí, sí que lo hay," contestó Suzuki-san, diciendo que había varios "estilos" con los que le gustaría probar, "¡puede que uno que ni siquiera exista aún!" Ya más suelto, nos contó su frustración a la hora de usar mandos, y confesó ser muy malo con ellos; se imaginaba el día en el que los personajes en pantalla serían manejados por las ondas cerebrales del propio jugador, moviéndose en la dirección deseada únicamente con el poder del pensamiento.

Esta es más que una queja pasajera, es la segunda vez que escuchamos describir su visión del futuro; y ya que la industria está invirtiendo tanto en la realidad virtual y en el control de movimiento, no es complicado pensar que el pionero de los días de gloria de los arcades de Sega está adelantándose a su tiempo nuevamente.

¿Pero es cierto que Yu Suzuki es uno de los pocos desarrolladores al que se les reconoce por su propio nombre? El jugón medio suele como mucho reconocer al estudio o al editor (que es precisamente lo que los editores quieren, que los fans permanezcan fieles a su marca en vez de a aquellos que diseñaron los juegos). Le preguntamos a una de las figuras más célebres del mundo de los videojuegos si esto es algo que tiene que cambiar. ¿Deberían los diseñadores ser más reconocidos individualmente?

"Pienso que es algo que tiene que ocurrir", contestó Suzuki con convicción. "Los creadores de videojuegos deberían ser propiamente... por ejemplo, a los compositores, artistas y directores de películas, a día de hoy se les acredita correctamente. Así que sí, pienso que sus nombres deberían ser mostrados apropiadamente. Creo que los niños (la próxima generación) necesitan referentes a los que aspirar. Es por ello que la industria tiene que darles un reconocimiento adecuado."

Así que como Suzuki tenía ganas de compartir el protagonismo con sus olvidados compañeros, ¿cómo definiría su propio legado en este negocio?

Esta se convirtió en la pregunta más difícil de contestar para él.

Tras meditar empezó a considerar sus contribuciones y lo que significaron para los videojuegos. "Empecé con juegos arcade. En ese momento creaba juegos 'de montarse', aquellos en los que la cabina se movía," apuntaba a la camiseta de Space Harrier, que James llevaba puesta como ejemplo. "Y eso creó un nuevo género, un nuevo 'movimiento' en la industria del videojuego. Después trabajé en juegos como Virtua Fighter y Virtua Racing. Estos abrieron el mercado 3D. Lo siguiente que hice fue Shenmue, con el que nació el género del mundo abierto. Cada juego creó un movimiento, una corriente en la industria del juego. Es por ello que me gustaría pensar que he logrado que tanto creadores de videojuegos como aquellos que juegan se unan en un gran movimiento."

Y esperemos que ese movimiento perdure, no solo con Yu Suzuki y su Shenmue IV (que de momento solo existe en su mente); también con aquellos que al igual que él, rompen moldes constantemente.

Sea experimentando la historia de Shenmue desde la perspectiva de diferentes personajes, o redescubriendo lo sorprendentemente divertidos que son unos QTE bien hechos, los fans pueden esperar una secuela digna, con las cosas buenas de la franquicia, pero que no rinde cuentas a nadie. Cuando llegue a las tiendas, y, con una nueva generación de jugones; Shenmue III quiere ser un reto tan divertido como accesible; mientras cumple también con la gran responsabilidad contraída con los fans que han esperado quince años a esta continuación.

Para estos fieles seguidores, jugar a Shenmue III por primera vez será como un rito de iniciación. Un momento imaginado en infinidad de formas diferentes desde la infancia. Y ahora, después de un esfuerzo hercúleo para revivir la saga, Yu Suzuki tiene todos y cada uno de esos sueños en la palma de su mano.

Por fortuna, no podemos pensar en otro dúo que brinde tal seguridad.

Seguridad que te protegerá mientras no seas un molesto mando.

When we last played as Ryo Hazuki in the Shenmue saga, he was on a mission of discovery in a foreign land, in pursuit of the man who had altered the course of his life in ways that were both surprising yet guided by fate.

And so it was that two representatives of Shenmue Dojo and Team Yu found ourselves crossing borders and tripping over coincidence after coincidence on our way to meet series creator Yu Suzuki, for his first ever interview with the English-speaking fan community.

Like our destination of Monaco, the road to Shenmue III has been mountainous. But through a uniquely synchronized sequence of events, involving an organized fan base , the rise of Kickstarter , Sony's third party productions team, and private investors led by Shibuya Productions , a tunnel was finally carved through the impenetrable landscape.

With the impossible sequel now in development, Shibuya Productions would play host to exclusive preview footage at MAGIC Monaco , its annual conference event celebrating video games, anime, manga, and all around fandom. The unseen material went down a storm - appropriately, as one of the features demonstrated was the series' famed dynamic weather system.

In preparation for our interview - for which we owe the veterans at a debt of gratitude - we had readied a long list of questions to choose from on the day. If time were no object, one of them would have made reference to a question Suzuki answered in fun last July, during his debut in the monthly Shenmue Tweetathon .

Asked about similarities in plot between Shenmue and the classic Shakespeare play Hamlet, Suzuki tweeted , "Sorry, but I have not read Hamlet. I know Hamtaro though." Hamtaro being a Japanese cartoon hamster, and the source of many jokes lightening our online planning sessions.

So to arrive in town for MAGIC and find a poster advertising Hamlet itself in the middle of Monte Carlo was cause for a double-take at the very least.

And once we started, we couldn't stop.

A black car outside the hotel. Workmen adjusting a sign above the street. Machines selling Coke and capsule toys near the conference venue. Stepping stones over water in a neighboring Japanese garden. Arcade cabinets controlled by steering wheels and replica motorcycles, not to mention a Kung-Fu Panda game titled Mojo Dojo.

Of course, these inferred references are everywhere when you're in the right frame of mind to look for them. When passing through Seattle on their way to the big reveal of Shenmue III last June, the game's crowdfunding team couldn't help but note the irony of boarding their flight at gate S3.

Fortunately for our sanity, early weather reports forecasting that our meeting in Monaco would fall on the day the snow turned to rain proved inaccurate, with not a flake in sight. The correctly predicted downpours however did prevent us from filming outdoor scenes for our video , which you can watch with captions in a variety of languages for details and surprises not covered here.

On arriving at MAGIC, both of us - Peter, a five figure Kickstarter backer , and James, founder of the #SaveShenmue campaign - felt positively outdone by our fellow guests in wonderfully elaborate cosplay , taking inspiration from all corners of animation, illustration, and interactive arts. New projects were announced on stage to excited fans, and lines waited patiently for autographs from their favorite creators. This event was both a haven and a goldmine for the passionate supporters of arguably niche entertainment who, for one multicultural day, had descended upon the Grimaldi Forum in a colorful fusion of unabashed enthusiasm.

And it's that kind of dedication and emotional attachment to works of modern art that sprung to Yu Suzuki's mind when we asked him how it felt, after a decade and a half of uncertainty, to be finally making his most requested game.

"I think very few developers in the world get this kind of chance," he told us, "And then there are the fans, who have waited for as long as fifteen years, sixteen years without giving up... In some videos there are even fans shedding tears. I think there's no other developer in the world as happy as I am."

Asked whether he could relate to feeling so strongly about any tale in a book or film that he would endure such a long wait for the next chapter, he could think of nothing that came close in his own experience to the undying anticipation that Shenmue fans have become accustomed to.

Speaking of other storytelling media, we asked Suzuki-san how important it was for him to complete Shenmue as a video game, when some gamers had resigned themselves to the possibility of concluding the saga in a more passive format.

"Being in game form is the most important thing," he said of the ongoing series, "I believe that Shenmue's meaning comes from being a game." He added however that although it forms just one part of Shenmue, he had received so many questions about the story that he has "always felt a responsibility" to tell how it plays out, and had therefore considered options like a graphic novel or anime.

Having made the decision to proceed with Shenmue III as a game, we asked if the project had encountered any unusual challenges. Suzuki explained that with his preferred engine Unreal 4 being relatively new, and with little information available in Japanese, it had been difficult to find experts in Japan. "Fortunately, now at our offices we do have skilled experts," he smiled.

Something known about Shenmue III before even the game engine was revealed is that Ryo will finally have the chance to swap his trademark leather jacket for a fresh change of clothes. But how far will this customization extend?

"We haven't reached the point of testing that part yet, so it's hard to say," admitted Suzuki-san, "However, I guess I'd like at least to change his clothing. And with Shenhua in particular, her home is located nearby; so if her clothes always stay the same, it would imply she only owns one costume - that wouldn't do!"

Suzuki added that he wants to "create some good designs" for Shenhua's clothing, and team up with an actual clothes designer for the task.

But what of game design? Shenmue is often credited (or blamed) for popularizing QTEs , a gameplay mechanic commonly abused by other developers but applied with intuitive logic in the early adventures of Ryo.

When comparing the new sequel's use of QTEs with those in the original games, Yu explained, "The basic concepts will remain the same: It's 'Quick Timer', so the button presses are simple; even people who aren't good at reflex-based games can participate. The difficulty level adjusts automatically according to the number of times you fail, and fundamentally, it is a system that integrates well into a story-oriented game. Even if you're hopeless at playing games, you'll still be able to advance along."

Elaborating, he added, "What I just described were the good things about QTEs, but there are some things that I'm not satisfied with. For example, for players who are really good at playing reflex-based games like Virtua Fighter [another Suzuki creation] - for them, the button presses are too easy. That's one problem that I hope to improve."

We're sure veterans of the Ghost Hall Building in Shenmue II's Kowloon will relish the challenge. But for those without the knack to follow on-screen button prompts in an instant, Suzuki's got you covered: "Being easy is OK, as long as it's fun."

When asked about the use of music in Shenmue III, the maestro explained that when originally planning out the series he "thought of musical pieces to fit the various scenes" that would form each chapter. "And so we have lots of music available to us now: a great many pieces, that were composed and created back then. And I would say not even 20% of them have been used in Shenmue I and II."

"With Shenmue III," he continued, "There are a number of musical pieces we will be creating, but we'll also be making use of past ones, for example in arrangements. There are many pieces that fit the original concept well, so this is the approach I'd like to take."

It was certainly music to our ears to learn that, with a mostly untapped well of tracks produced at the beginning of the saga, and new tunes still to be added, Shenmue's Hall of Fame soundtrack is set to become even more epic with the release of the third game.

A surprisingly hot topic amongst fans since the launch of the game's crowdfunding appeal last year has been the different logos used on various trailers, websites, and promotional images. One follows the traditional handwritten style seen in the first two games, while the other is new to the series with distinct lettering . With so much curiosity surrounding the matter of which logo will make it into the actual game, we had to put the question to Yu.

"The one I like at the moment is that logo there," he said while pointing to the newer block-lettered version on Peter's T-shirt, "The reason I say that is that recently - you're familiar with cursive writing? Where each letter is joined to the next. With this one the letters are separated from each other, right? With cursive, the letters run together. They say there are many young people nowadays who can't read cursive writing. So that's why I decided to separate out the Shenmue logo, to make it easier to read."

If Shenmue is to reach a new audience in the modern era, one obstacle it may have to overcome is that its name is essentially meaningless to any non-Japanese speaker unaware of its relevance. With the word being unfamiliar to all other languages, perhaps at least making it more easily readable is an important step to avoid premature dismissal by casual browsers of game store shelves.

But is it even a given that Shenmue III can be bought in stores and online by those who haven't backed the crowdfunding campaign? Suzuki was quick to dismiss any suggestion to the contrary: "Yes, I think they will of course be able to."

On the same theme, we took the chance to try and clarify whether fans should expect new additions to the ongoing Slacker Backer campaign, such as the PC version of the game which has always been absent from the PayPal rewards list, or the ability for Kickstarter backers to upgrade to the next reward tier by increasing their original donation via PayPal.

Unfortunately, as can happen in any bilingual exchange, when translated on the fly for Suzuki-san the question morphed into "Will there be anything new added to it, such as the PC version or another new item from the Kickstarter campaign, for example?"

"I can't speak to the future," replied Suzuki to this interpretation of our question, "But there's nothing new at the current time. It's really for people who weren't able to purchase rewards during the Kickstarter campaign, for whatever reason. It's to give those people the chance to buy the same items. Well, apart from the items that were exclusive to the Kickstarter, of course. But I wanted to make the non-exclusive items available to people who had missed them during the time of the Kickstarter."

Another point of discussion within the online community bubble of late has been whether Shenmue III will feature the loading screens that became an iconic staple of the original games, denoting the in-game time and Ryo's location while entering a new area.

With technological advances making loading screens functionally obsolete, Suzuki had no plans to include them in the new game. But after musing on the topic in our interview, he noted, "I guess they're very characteristic of Shenmue, aren't they? I will give it some proper thought."

Something we know will be in Shenmue III is the Character Perspective system, a new feature unlocked for development as a crowdfunding stretch goal. With the player able to take control of Ryo's allies for the first time, we were interested to learn how different an experience it would be to play as Ren or Shenhua. For example, would the leader of a Hong Kong street gang employ a different fighting style to the lead protagonist so far?

Suzuki confirmed that Ren's style of combat will differ from Ryo's, and that Shenhua doesn't fight. "She's smart and uses other tactics," he noted, before explaining that "the Character Perspective system is not a system that simply changes your character. It simulates each person's personality, and the way they think and behave."

That in itself is a fresh challenge for a developer who's never shied away from different styles of game. With such a diverse back catalog already decorating his résumé, is there any new genre he'd still like to take on?

"Yes, yes, there is," replied Suzuki-san, saying there were "various" styles he would like to try, "Possibly one that doesn't even exist yet!" Becoming animated, he demonstrated his frustration when using controllers, confessing to being hopeless at it, and imagines a day when characters on the screen will be controlled by the player's own brain waves, moving in the direction desired by the power of thought.

More than a passing whim, this is the second time we've heard him describe this vision of the future, and with the industry investing heavily in virtual reality and motion control, it's not hard to believe that the pioneer of Sega's arcade glory days is once again thinking a step ahead of the game.

But is it fair that Yu Suzuki is one of so few developers to be known by name? The average gamer tends to recognize only the studio, and often just the publisher - which is exactly how the publisher likes it, to keep fans loyal to their brand instead of those who design the games. We asked one of the most distinctly celebrated figures in gaming whether this is something that ought to change. Should individual designers receive more recognition?

"I think that is something that needs to happen," replied Suzuki with conviction, "Game creators should be properly... For example, with song composers, artists, and movie directors, nowadays they have their names credited. So yes, I think their names should be properly shown and made clear. I think that children - the next generation - need people to aspire to. So I think the game industry needs to provide the proper recognition."

So with Suzuki-san eager to share more of the spotlight with his unsung peers, how would he define his own legacy in this business?

This proved the toughest question of all for him to answer.

Eventually he began to consider his contributions and what they had meant to gaming. "At the beginning, I started off with arcade games. At that time, I was making ride-on type games - ones which move the cabinet," pointing to Space Harrier on the T-shirt worn by James as an example, "And that created a new genre, a new 'flow', in the game industry. Next, I worked on games like Virtua Fighter and Virtua Racing. These opened up the 3D market. After that I did Shenmue which formed the open world genre. Each created a flow, or stream, within the game industry. So I would like to think that I have been able to bring together both the creators of games and those who play them into one large flow."

And long may that flow continue, not only with Yu Suzuki and his mind controlled Shenmue IV, but also those who consistently break the mould as he has. If they are granted the status in the industry that they deserve, then Suzuki will have been amongst the first of many young programmers to enter the business and turn it on its head, time after time after time, expanding the art form in new and interesting ways.

Whether it's experiencing the Shenmue story from the contrasting perspectives of different characters, or rediscovering the surprising joy of QTEs done right, fans can expect a sequel that both honors the strengths of the franchise while standing still for no man. When it hits store shelves in front of a new generation of gamers, Shenmue III aims to provide a challenge that's both fun and accessible, while delivering on a heavily felt responsibility to the fans who have waited fifteen years for this continuation.

For these loyal supporters, playing Shenmue III for the first time will be like a rite of passage. A moment imagined in countless different ways since childhood. And now, after a Herculean effort to revive the saga, Yu Suzuki holds every one of those dreams in the palm of his hand.

Fortunately, we can think of no safer pair.

Unless you're a bothersome joypad.
by Team Yu
Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:45 am
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Re: Shenmue III Logo Poll

Pretty open and shut. I don't think the Papyrus logo will make it into Shenmue III at all. A new and better designed alternative logo that splits up the lettering will possibly appear on promotional material between now and release, but on the box and on the title screen? Original logo. I can't fathom any situation where this wouldn't happen.
by Spaghetti
Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:39 pm
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Re: Tokyo Game Show 2016

The photo of the badge you linked at the top Switch is last years version dude - maybe you realized though since you detailed the differences in your blogs :)?

Here's a photo I saw on twitter showing each of the badges you'll have a chance of receiving in a capsule toy -

The Shenmue one is actually a larger badge...and for that reason alone (call me crazy) I have a tad more optimism for something Shenmue related [-o<

Would personally love any of those badges above the Yellow text <3 - but ofc the only one I really need is the Shenmue one :king:
by James Brown
Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:46 pm
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Re: Tokyo Game Show 2016

Cédric on Twitter when asked about Shenmue 3:

Things can change but we do not plan big update regarding pics or video before december.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Mon Sep 12, 2016 4:48 pm
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Re: Games you just can't bring yourselves to play?

SledgeNE wrote: Well, i want to play SEGA Sonic CD on PC. But with Windows 7 64 bit it seems it doesn't run. :-s

Just run the original, Sega CD version on an emulator (I recommend KEGA Fusion).
by Mr357
Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:52 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Some of the CD sample tracks on Ryuji Iuchi's SoundCloud are great and feel like an extension of his Shenmue work.

I'm not sure if anybody posted it, but I'm pretty sure he uploaded another Shenmue III demo/test track there too.
by Spaghetti
Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:15 pm
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Shenmue Dev Team Expanding - Leaflet Translation

Today (1st October) I want along to a single-day event in Yokohama for Unreal Engine put on by Epic Games, with the venue being Pacifico Yokohama, the same conference center where Yu Suzuki held the Shenmue Premiere so many years ago.

A number of talks on developing with Unreal were held through-out the day by companies such as Capcom and Square Enix, as well as exhibition booths and even a stall selling Unreal stickers and other merchandise.

But the main reason I was there was for to get my hands on this Shenmue leaflet:

Positions being advertised:

And I'm thinking this looks like a new image...? (Or is it recycled?)

I've put up a translation of the leaflet on my blog:
by Switch
Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:39 am
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Re: Shenmue III and Red Dead Redemption 2 launch window

SledgeNE wrote: It is better to delay Shenmue III, i think that too. Rockstar Games are more hyped.It's strange that Rockstar announce RDR 2 for Fall 2017 so surprisingly and they don't use the E3 this year.

Actually it's their typcal way of handling these things, they usually skip E3.
by Monkei
Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:46 pm
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Yu Suzuki on Shenmue III ( interview, Nov 2)

Japanese site today published a new interview with Yu Suzuki, in commemoration of the release of the recent Powerdrift 3D on the Nintendo 3DS, centered mainly around various arcade games he worked on at his time with Sega.

The good news for Shenmue fans is that the interview contains mention of Shenmue 3 in a few places, including some direct comments by Yu Suzuki.

I've extracted and translated the relevant parts here:

My favorite part is where he states that his ideal graphical vision, going back to the early arcade days, has never changed - and he gives a Shenmue 3 image as an example of that ideal.
by Switch
Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:56 am
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I understand the situation for Shenmue III. It's wise to bring nothing than to bring something that looks really bad and immature. This Project should have the time it needs. It makes me sad when Shenmue III is categorized as a Indie-Title. But time changes.

Interestingly, Indie may have the connotation of being amateurish and low budget but the term can also be applied to auteurs (in gaming) whose creations are impervious of influences of company executives over their own. I'm talking about how the creator's personal influence and artistic control are so great that even their names are carried along with the title screen. Examples would be Sid Meier, Cliff Bleszinski, Hideo Kojima and the folks at Platinum Games. These are surely independent game designers. Look at Kojima's case alone. The man will spend millions in a single 5 minutes gameplay along with a 45 minute cutscene with flamboyant characters speaking in gibberish. Gamers might complain and Konami hate him, but will the man give a damn? NO. Even after being fired, did the man get tamed by another game company? Surely not. That's a true indie auteur right there.

Now about Shenmue 3. Actually that's the same story. The only difference is that Yu is working with limited resources and budget. But he still has full control of everything regarding Shenmue as an IP (including the staff that worked on the originals), and this alone is unheard of for a Kickstarter project, specially when the IP is this popular, though not highly successful. Basically the man has been battling against the odds, and so far he beat everything down his path to a pulp. So I'm not sure where the discontentment is coming from with what he's doing.

Personally, I rather see his team focus on whatever they are doing than spend time prepping a documentary of rudimentary gameplay or another trailer advertising how beautiful Chinese landscapes can be on Unreal 4 for a gaming event that are already packed with pretty much trailers of games ready to be shipped in a few months time. It might impress fans, but utterly meaningless to newcomers. Who's paying for that anyway? Opportunity cost. When you want someone to stop working at the Ysnet office to show off a trailer at a PSX, some group of people must be there at the event to talk about it and answer questions right? Are they gonna use part of the $6 million for travel expenses alone? Is this really going to sit well with the backers or even the media? Because I certainly will feel "happy" knowing that I pledged money to see Joel Tess enjoy a Big Mac at lunch and a bath at Hilton's.

Now seriously, reality check here. Be prepared to see Shenmue 3 being ready to be released only in 2018 at its earliest. Not a gut feeling, because when you take a company like Inxile Entertainment (who has Kickstarter projects under their belts like Bard's tale, Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera) an average of three years to complete their games you just can't expect a tiny company like Ysnet to do it in two. Painful as it may be, expect delays (whether on updates or game completion) and they do not mean any doom sign to the project. Game companies (big or small) are just bad at projections and meeting deadlines. All I wish is for people to give them some space, because it must be hard to focus at work when in their heads they are like: "Man, I've been sitting on this desk for like 14 hours a day staring at this screen and this f***ers still complain? What else am I supposed to do? Pack my bags, sit on a plane for 16 hours, and prepare a presentation when all I've got is some really rough pre-alpha work? Man I would get an F in college for handing in this s**t, but hey if that it's what the fans want. F**k this!"

Well, this is basically a rambling topic. Guess I've outdone myself.
by sand4fish
Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:05 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I'm honestly surprised to see so many Shenmue fans so disappointed. I thought Shenmue fans were used to disappointment by now. ;-)
At least we're getting the game...that's all I care about. The less the game gets spoiled the better.
by Henry Spencer
Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:26 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I'm honestly surprised to see so many Shenmue fans so disappointed. I thought Shenmue fans were used to disappointment by now. ;-)
At least we're getting the game...that's all I care about. The less the game gets spoiled the better.

I'm more surprised at the fact that some are even willing to threaten to bring the development team under a negative spotlight for the rest of the gaming media because they are being, at the moment, denied of seeing a footage that some backers paid like, I don't know, $10,000 to have that privilege.
by sand4fish
Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:44 pm
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

Sending a polite message via KS yields great results, it seems:

Thank you very much for your candor. We will certainly be doing our best to keep everyone interested and in faith.

There should be something in terms of screen shots coming up this month.

Please keep your hopes up! This is a long process, but please trust Yu-san and everyone else involved has Shenmue's best interests at heart!

All our best,
Joel & the Shenmue III Team

Keep expectations in check, don't expect anything huge, yadda yadda, etc etc
by Spaghetti
Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:58 pm
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Re: Are you still hyped?

SledgeNE wrote: Of course, i am hyped! I baked today a second time a physical copy. Now i baked two versions. One for PS4 and one for PC. :D


Don't put Shenmue 3 in the oven!!

You'll ruin the game and won't be able to play!!!!!!!!!
by SMDzero
Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:41 am
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SledgeNE wrote: March 14 is showing. :shock:

What the fuuuuuuuu-


Awesome Japan must have goofed on something.
by Spaghetti
Mon Feb 13, 2017 3:14 am
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Jump to topic Shenmue I&II HD in 2017, SIII maybe 2018

Sounds pretty baseless and is written in a somewhat semi-professional way, but hey, you never know.

Shenmue HD Remaster coming in 2017
on February 25, 2017 by I love Japanese games

A trusted source close to Atlus USA, today revealed to me that Shenmue HD Remaster will be released this year. Both games, Episodes 1 & 2, may be released together rather than separately. They are presumably being geared up for launch to precede Shenmue 3, which could possibly slip into 2018.

This will come as no surprise. Last year Sega hinted strongly that a Shenmue HD remaster was on the cards and then towards the end of last year, Sega registered the domain Furthermore, many have known of the existence of a Shenmue HD Remaster for some time. Way back in 2010, a Shenmue II remaster appeared on Microsoft’s Partnernet – the online ecosystem for Xbox 360 dev kits.

So it was a always case of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’ a Shenmue HD Remaster would appear.

The appearance of an HD remaster will be vital for the success of the forthcoming Shenmue 3. While it raised a colossal amount of money via kickstarter through long-time series fans, the vast majority of gamers won’t know the events of the first two games.

Such a story rich experience would be impossible to appreciate without knowledge of the events so far – and so it’s an important step for the series to find a new, broader fanbase.

No further details have been revealed to us regarding the release. We were told it is ‘safe to assume a PC/Steam release’, there has been no indication that the Shenmue HD Remasters will appear on any other platform.
EDIT: Today (March 9) the article was updated with the following:
Over the last few weeks I’ve had a huge amount of messages (thanks all!) regarding the Shenmue leak, so I thought I should clarify a few points in the body of this article rather than in the comments below. So many people have reported on this story it’s amazing how many have distorted some of the detail.

The only things I know for certain are;
1/ Shenmue HD is complete. It’s basically done.
2/ Shenmue HD will be released this year.

The elements which I have not received 100% confirmation of.
1/ I don’t know specifics about publisher or platforms.
2/ PS4 wasn’t mentioned – but that’s not to say it won’t happen. (It will be of course) but I don’t KNOW this for a fact. (But of course it will be)
3/ Episode 1&2 together ‘may be’ released together.
4/ Shenmue 3 delay is pretty likely.

ILJG guesswork – because why not.
1/ Probably confirmed before E3 – because GET ON WITH IT ALREADY.
2/ Fuku-san Bikini DLC packs – every week from launch.
3/ Someone somewhere at Sega must see the wisdom of releasing Phantasy Star Online on Switch, right?
4/ Phantasy Star Online.
5/ Please GOD Phantasy Star Online.
by Monkei
Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:18 am
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Re: Pre-ordered. Shouldn't I get an email or something?

Yes, that's the same as everyone else who's pre-ordered with PayPal.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:38 am
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(APRIL FOOLS)Kickstarter Update #66: Reimagining Shenmue III

Greetings backers!
The time is upon us again to bring you a new update and this time we thought we’d announce the new format that Shenmue III will take and show you a few sneak peeks.

We want Shenmue III to reach as many people as possible and after minutes of market research, we realised that people no longer enjoy full-on console experiences. It is obvious that gamers today prefer casual experiences and it is for this reason we have decided to reimagine Shenmue III for phones and tablets.

So ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, the new Shenmue III:

Here is the main screen. It shows the character you currently have selected and their current action. At the end of the timer, the character will be able to perform another action. Over the course of an action, the character will send you push notifications about their journey, continuing the story of Shenmue. If you are the impatient type, you can buy a booster using the ingame currency ‘Shenmoola’ in order to complete the journey faster.

Speaking of Shenmoola, we’re happy to confirm the return of Tomato Mart as the ingame store! Here you can spend your Shenmoola on boosters, arcade credits, extra playable characters and other perks:

Let’s take a closer look!
As you can see, you can spend 100 Shenmoola on a can of Jet Cola in order to complete a journey twice as fast.

Shenmoola can be earned as a reward for completing quests, or it can be bought with real money. The choice is up to you!

That’s about all we have for now, but we hope you’re as excited as we are for this new stage in Shenmue history. Shenmue III will be launching on the App Store and Google Play Store this December.

Thank you for reading
- The Awesome Japan Team

Once again, happy April, Dojo!
by Jibby
Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:36 pm
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Shenmue III The Story Goes On (Slacker Backer Support Video)

I've made a small video to help promote the Slacker Backer campaign. Hope everyone enjoys it!

Please watch in HD 60FPS for the best experience.

phpBB [video]

Thanks to Mr.357 for the gameplay footage and thanks to Kiske for the idea :mrgreen:
by Jibby
Sun May 07, 2017 10:36 pm
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Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

Dev Room Progress Report Vol. 3
Posted by Ys Net (Creator)
Greetings Everyone,

In this month’s update we present to you our third development report!
Who’s this new face…? Please check it out!

Thank you for watching and we hope you enjoyed it!
We have also been receiving questions from our backers regarding our plans to participate in upcoming game shows. While our schedule has yet to be finalized, we will be devoting June to game development and as a result, will unfortunately not be participating in any game shows. On the other hand, we look forward to bringing you our monthly updates and hope you do too!
Thank you!
From the Shenmue III Team
by Himuro
Sun May 28, 2017 11:14 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

Welp. No E3, unless they're fucking with us.

On the upswing, I really like that they're taking the character models closer to Kenji Miyawaki's art. I wasn't expecting it at all, so I'm actually quite pleased.
by Spaghetti
Sun May 28, 2017 11:20 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

So, random NPC that you interact with or do we think this character is someone that has relevance to the plot? It's weird to see it rendered without in game lighting and textures, almost looks like a cartoon. That makes it hard for me to see him as something other than someone you move crates with or a street fight.

I'm glad they finally showed character model work, even if it wasn't one we wanted to see. :-)
It's something I was hoping they would have as a filler update for a long time now.

Welp. No E3, unless they're fucking with us.
I don't think they are. If Sega chooses to announce ports of 1 & 2 at E3, they might announce that 3 is being delayed, but at least this pretty much confirms that we are not getting a trailer in June.
by Sappharad
Sun May 28, 2017 11:23 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

For those complaining about it not looking realistic enough for Shenmue...
by Bluecast
Mon May 29, 2017 12:33 am
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YSNET officially announce the delay of Shenmue 3.

Some disappointing news, but for the greater good! Yu Suzuki has announced that Shenmue 3 will be delayed until at least the second half of 2018.

phpBB [video]

Media Articles

by Peter
Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:11 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

I'm so sorry for my question: For which backers is the demo?

Looks like the trial or demo of the game is for those that donated $100 or more on either Kickstarter or Paypal.

I can't remember anymore... but I assume that if you pledged at a certain level that you get everything else at lower pledge levels. Example being that if you pledged at $100 on Kickstarter, that you get the $80, $60, $40, etc prizes on top of the $100 pledge prizes as well.

So you would get the following on the $100 Kickstarter pledge:

- Name in credits
- Trial or Demo on PC
- The $80 S3 World Telecom to speak to previous characters
- The $60 choice of version of the game
- The $40 Wallpapers and name on website
- And of course the thanks and praise from Yu Suzuki and ability to vote in polls and get info first.
by Telekill
Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:15 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

That's more or less right. There are a few exceptions I think, but you can always check in the description of your reward tier, as it will say which previous tier it also includes - which in turn will state which tier below that it includes, and so on.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:16 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

I've been saying for 10 years and i'll say it again; there won't be a shenmue hd rerelease. not ever. can't believe so many people here get their hopes up based on nothing. why would sega re-release these games? answer that question. there is no reason. hell even square had to bend backwards to do hd rereleases of final fantasy 10 (and now 12) which actually was a commercial monster success unlike shenmue. and shenmue is more expensive to rerelease as well.

Im really not a told you so person, and i have a dislike for people who are. But for this one time, i will happily say a big fuck you when the HD remake is indeed announced, after all the years of having to read your negativity both concerning Shenmue 3, as well as HD remakes.

Of course, when the HD remakes are announced, you will probably bitch and moan about them too since, ya know, thats what you do. Why change now, eh?
by Peter
Wed Jun 14, 2017 12:11 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

If there is one person within the community whos work gets overlooked, and doesnt get nowhere near enough praise as he should, its Kiske.

There are a lot of people who do great work for Shenmue, but he really is one of the silent heroes since Shenmue 3 became a reality. His passion is unmatched, and his ideas and support across all of the Shenmue community sites is something that is to be absolutely commended.

Just wanted to give him is due live and respect.

Bravo sir, and thank you for so much hard work! =D> =D> =D> =D>
by Peter
Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:03 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

If there is one person within the community whos work gets overlooked, and doesnt get nowhere near enough praise as he should, its Kiske.

There are a lot of people who do great work for Shenmue, but he really is one of the silent heroes since Shenmue 3 became a reality. His passion is unmatched, and his ideas and support across all of the Shenmue community sites is something that is to be absolutely commended.

Just wanted to give him is due live and respect.

Bravo sir, and thank you for so much hard work! =D> =D> =D> =D>

I don't know what to say Peter.
Thank you. :heart:
by Kiske
Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:30 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

I'm taking this product sighting as a good omen for things soon to come!

by Centrale
Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:47 pm
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So happy for the words PHYSICAL COPY (MN9 fallout continues)

Wow. Could you actually imagine if this happened to us? Just when you thought the Mighty Number 9 farce had died a horrible death, it's still continuing to fuck over fans. I mean check it out:

Gaf comedy thread -

The backers are being sent a flatpack box that they have to put together themselves! No physical game, and the manual for the game doesn't fit inside the box. Honestly, you couldn't make this up.
To add to the confusion, some people thought they were getting a physical game on top of their digital game, but it's on this point where the story gets more dark. If you read the MN9 $60 rewards tier, it doesn't say the backer would get a physical release of the game itself, just a physical game box! On the one hand, completely legal, on the other, absolutely ropey as fuck to the fans.

For all the flack the Shenmue 3 Kickstart received, I am thankful after seeing this, that there has been absolute clarity between digital game release and physical game release from the very beginning. Also that there were discussions with Sony during the Kickstarter campaign due to fan demand for a physical release to be included.
by Peter
Wed Jul 26, 2017 5:26 am
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Three Weeks Remai

Got my press pass approved this morning. Now time to make plans.
by Peter
Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:26 am
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Three Weeks Remai

Yea I'd say it won't matter too much. I will be recording random footage for video packages when I get back anyways, and the KS should also have any major announcements covered.

But I'm a fan of live reaction videos so I will be trying to capture any footage like that at the event.
by Peter
Tue Aug 01, 2017 5:18 am
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Inspired by Spags, I dug out the old magnifying glass and came up with a couple of interesting things - don't think these have been commented on yet.

An NPC sitting at a table?

It looks like there are posters of characters lining the street.
by Switch
Sat Aug 19, 2017 7:02 am
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

I think I've also found Ryo in the "Great Wall" image.

by Spaghetti
Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:24 am
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - ONE WEEK LEFT

Yu is ready to go!

Edit: the restaurants in the background reveals he is at the Haneda airport terminal.

Tweet: "I'll be heading to Gamescom now".

by Switch
Sun Aug 20, 2017 1:37 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

My initial reaction to the trailer.
phpBB [video]
by DoubleO_Ren
Tue Aug 22, 2017 4:06 am
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Game*Spark Interview with Yu Suzuki [Full Translation]

Here's a new article translation from Game*Spark Japan, interviewing Yu Suzuki and executive producer Hideaki Morishita.

I think it contains a lot of interesting insight. They speak about the fuss surrounding the teaser trailer despite the fact that many of the characters in the trailer are nowhere near their finished form.

Read the interview here:
by Switch
Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:05 pm
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - Yu's at a party

Unfortunately this event does solidify the fact that developers can rarely be honest with their audience about the state of their game while in development. Smoke and mirrors forever and ever.

I find it hilarious to be honest.

Ubisoft shows footage. Internet outrage "Bullshots".
Shenmue shows real in development footage "Looks ugly as shit".

The "internet" is always gonna moan and complain about something and gamers these days in particular.
So whenever I see dumb reactions like that pop up, I find myself remembering the words of the great George Carlin.

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
by Demonoroth
Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:10 am
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Re: New Screens + Note From Yu via Playstation Blog

The left side of the screen has others characters too apparently. Is the second one Chai???

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Spoilers below - some more characters.

Super interesting. Zoomed in a lot on this picture. The power point presentation itself is named New Characters 22-08-17. By looking at the page scroll on the left hand side, and by counting the amount of slider also, it looks like they have around 14-15 characters already model in this presentation!

If you look at the characters from the 4th and 5th slides, It looks like they match the concept art of those found on the boards in one of the screen shots? That could confirm that YSnet are using the boards as placeholders to show where those characters should go. (I can't find the image where someone zoomed in on the boards though :sad: ?).

This interview from is going to be super interesting, we are so luck to have Switch in this community! Our hero! haha!

Peter took a picture of those boards during Gamescom:
by Kiske
Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:07 am
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Re: New Screens + Note From Yu via Playstation Blog

Come to think of it. This image (of the Power Point Character Presentation) lines up with the Game*Spark interview. He was most likely pointing to the presentation when he said these:

YS: We still have a lot of work to do on Shenhua. [While pointing at characters] Take this one, it's a character that's close to completion. This one's provisional. This is also provisional. This one too is provisional.

YS: [Continuing to point at characters] This one's also provisional. Oh, so is this one. We do have characters that have been completed to a pretty high quality level.

by SheepheadCG
Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:44 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

RootyKazooty wrote: God knows what the Mona Lisa would look like if she was painted by committee.

by Peter
Sat Aug 26, 2017 4:31 am
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Hello, everyone. I know we already have the brilliant Shenmue 3 Kickstarter News/Information/Multimedia Archive thread, but I thought it would be a good idea to have a compendium of all the facts, information, and everything we currently know about the game in one easy-to-read contained thread. Perhaps the mods would like to consider this as a sticky?

Please feel free to add everything and anything you can that is relevant (as well as suggestions on how to improve the thread), and I'll update the original post whenever I can :)

(Some of the following information can be considered as spoilers, so read at your own risk.)



- Yu Suzuki describes the game as "a kung-fu adventure that takes place in China" [1]

- The game's "key points," according to Yu Suzuki, are "romance, characters' life and martial arts." Where romance is concerned, Yu Suzuki would like to portray the differences between how men and women think [4] [39]

- According to Yu Suzuki, Shenmue III will begin from Chapter Six of the story's eleven planned chapters , and will "mark the end of this story," but will not be the end of the story . In a 2018 interview with GamersFlag, Yu Suzuki stated, "the end will be open for a sequel," suggesting Shenmue III might end on a cliffhanger [33]

- Shenmue III 's story begins the day after the conclusion of Shenmue II [9]

- Ryo, while still angry and thirsty for revenge, will grow and mature a lot throughout the game. Those he meets along the way, particularly where martial arts is concerned, will be largely responsible for this [5]

- The meaning behind the "He shall appear from a far eastern land across the sea..." prologue poem, as well as Ryo and Shenhua's roles in the prophecy , will finally be revealed [1]

- Yu Suzuki has stated he would like to keep Shenhua as "a mysterious character" [38]

- Ryo will not return home to Japan in Shenmue III [17]

- The game will explore and highlight the differences between Japanese and Chinese culture , particularly the way in which Ryo behaves in a foreign land having come from a different background, and how he and Shenhua interact with each other [8]

- Confirmed fighting styles (thus far) include: Hazuki style jujitsu (Ryo) , Fist-Dagger Mantis style (Niao Sun) , Nanquan (a master located in Choubu), and Bajiquan (Ryo and various characters throughout the game) [9]


- Confirmed important characters (thus far): Ryo Hazuki , Shenhua , Lan Di , Ren , Niao Sun , Chai , Shenhua's adoptive father, and two unnamed "main bosses"

- Confirmed minor characters (thus far): Ming Ming and unnamed minor characters such as an extremely muscular rival to Ryo (described as "a middle-level boss" who "uses an unusual style of martial arts") , the owner of Choubu's Bird Dance Hostel , the temple/shrine maiden of the Hall of Name Tags (described as "a tomboy, boyish type") , a young girl Ryo will befriend , an assistant who will play a role similar to that of Fangmei , a master of Nanquan , and an "eccentric" and "really powerful" martial arts master with "a humorous personality" [6] [9] [36]

- Nozomi , Guizhang , Ine-san , Joy , Fuku-san , Goro , and "other characters" from the two previous games are also confirmed , albeit in the form of telephone calls through the 'World of Telecom' service [6] [9] [16]

- There will be "four main bosses," according to Yu Suzuki. Lan Di and Niao Sun are the only named bosses at present, the latter of whom has been described as "extremely beautiful and sexy, but cruel." The only information pertaining to the two remaining main bosses is that one of them is "[a] strategist using more cunning than head-on fighting" [39]


- Confirmed areas (thus far): Bailu Village , Choubu , and Baisha [6]

- Bailu Village ( 白鹿村 , which translates as 'White Deer' ) is the starting area of Shenmue III and, where the player was only able to experience just a tiny fraction of the village, was also where Shenmue II ended, though the entire village will now be fully open and explorable . According to Shenhua, who lives in a hut on the very outskirts of the village, Bailu Village is home to around fifty inhabitants . Due to the village's proximity to water, players will be able to fish there . The initial quests here will start Ryo and Shenhua off on their journey

- Choubu ( 鸟舞 , which translates as 'Bird Dance' ), a riverside village situated on the banks of the Li River , will be the game's equivalent to Dobuita or Wan Chai , featuring numerous shops, stalls, amusements, hotels, shrines, temples, dwellings, and other buildings. Choubu resembles Kowloon in terms of its density and verticality . Choubu will contain approximately two-hundred NPCs (which is over three times that which was originally planned), one of whom is a master of Nanquan . Choubu has been described as the most Shenmue -esque location in the game [9] [17]

- Baisha ( 白沙 , which translates as 'White Sand' ) is a village, notable for its numerous tulous, which is home to the Guilin branch of the Chi You Men. Baisha will see a number of new gameplay systems introduced to players, including "a siege game reminiscent of the Warring Kingdoms," which will presumably see the player defending allies from external attacks and engaging in battle with enemies attempting to gain control of the village's buildings, as well as an infiltration mission into the Chi You Men's branch (presumably on a mission to rescue Shenhua's imprisoned adoptive father). It is also during this infiltration mission the player will take advantage of the new 'Character Perspective System' , allowing the player to swap between Ryo, Shenhua, and Ren, utilising each character's unique traits and abilities to achieve their goal

- Some of the specific landmarks and establishments that have been revealed are the Lake of the Lantern Bugs , the Temple of the Blooming Flower , the Bird Dance Hostel , and the Hall of Name Tags [13] [30] [31] [32]


- Shenmue III contains around thirty hours of gameplay [3] [9]

- The 'Technique Scroll System' , one of the game's confirmed new mechanics, consists of move scrolls comprised of three unique types - Normal, Advanced, and Arcane - the latter two of which are managed by a skill tree-like system, which fills as you learn new moves , and require a certain amount to be accumulated before use [9] [16]

- The 'Character Perspective System' , the second of the game's confirmed new mechanics, gives the player the ability to change the character they're playing as - with each character having their own distinct personalities, choices, and approach to the situation at hand - in order to complete their objective. Ryo's approach is that of fighting ; Ren's is that of using a weapon ; and Shenhua's is non-violent and tactical . This mechanic will feature in a single event [17]

- The 'Rapport System' , the third of the game's confirmed new mechanics, will see Ryo and Shenhua's relationship vary depending on the player's actions towards, and interactions with , her, therefore affecting how cooperative and/or warm/cold she is in return , dictated by two underlying systems: the 'Affinity Rating' and 'Cooperative Quest' [17]

- 'A.I. Battling' , the fourth of the game's confirmed new mechanics, will allow players to "unleash the perfect technique in response to the opponent's positioning and distance," meaning the technique will, upon activation, hand control over to an A.I. which will decide the best course of action instead of requiring calculated inputs from the player. The system is "for players who are not used to fighting games or for those who want a full immersion battle experience" [19]

- NPCs will be more akin to those featured in Shenmue II , meaning their scripting won't be as detailed, nor will their personalities be as unique as those in the original game, though other aspects about them will see improvement (e.g., cosmetic detail and facial expressions) [38]

- Regarding controls, Yu Suzuki has stated he is currently in two minds about how they will function; on one hand, he would like to "keep a similar configuration to the original game," but realises times have long since changed and is therefore considering more contemporary schemes [10] [12]

- In order to make the combat system simpler and visually different from the series' previous entries, a "Variable Speed" system is being incorporated into FREE battles. Specific details have not been revealed, but Yu Suzuki describes it as "new and fun" [11]

- Ryo will now be able to attack multiple opponents at once (a primitive version of this could be found in the first two games, in which the Ryo was able to grapple an opponent and kick away surrounding enemies) and perform combos in FREE battles [26]

- QTEs will return in a more modernised, dynamic fashion . The possibility of using specific sounds and colours to associate with inputs , as opposed to displaying the button itself on-screen, is under consideration [9]

- Training areas might be making a return for the first time since the first game [38]

- Progression of time will be "about the same system as the first two Shenmue ." This means one in-game hour is equivalent to four real-world minutes; one in-game day is equivalent to one real-world hour [34]

- There will be events in which a bear and a deer must be saved

- Regarding the size of the game world , Yu Suzuki states it will be "even richer" than the series' previous entries. Choubu, on its own, has been greatly expanded , by at least five times its originally planned size [4]

- A trademark of the series, attention to detail and interactivity (as well as examples of more subtle detail such as gestures and cultural dress style) will be in abundance [9]

- As was the case with the previous games, Ryo will return to his place of rest at 11:30pm . In Bailu Village this will be Shenhua's house , and in Choubu it will be the player's hostel of choice . Baisha's place of rest is currently unknown, though one can assume it will be in one of the tulous

- Regarding loading screens/times , Yu Suzuki has stated that, "[players will] start in a large area which will require some initial loading, but compared to before the loading situation will be much better. It's much faster now," possibly suggesting exterior-to-interior (and vice versa) loading will be seamless [10]

- For the very first time in the series, players will be able to change Ryo's outfit (and maybe even remove his bandage ) [17]

- The notebook will return, and has been updated with coloured divider tabs [17] [25]

- Forklifts will return in one form or another [9] [38]

- Capsule toys from the first two games will be returning, though it is currently unknown whether brand new capsule toys from SEGA franchises will be introduced. Those who pledged for the $700 tier of the Kickstarter campaign will have a 2D illustration of their face featured inside a small glass block , whereas those who pledged for the $1200 tier will have a Chibi-style representation of themselves featured as a fully-modelled capsule toy , as part of new in-game capsule toy collections [13] [17]

- Fortune-telling has been confirmed

- Purchasable move scrolls will be returning [23] [24]

- Arcade cabinets will be returning. So far, Excite QTE and Fighting Mania -like cabinets, as well as pinball machines, whack-a-mole, and a punch-ball boxing machine , have been seen [17] [25] [41]

- Lucky Hit will be returning [6]

- A turtle racing mini-game has been confirmed [1]

- A fishing mini-game has been confirmed [9]

- Many of the new mini-games will be more meaningful and connected to the game's world and progression [9] [26]

- Part-time jobs will be returning. Although wood chopping is the only confirmed job thus far , the presence of a warehouse in Choubu and Lucky Hit suggests job opportunities, too [9] [35]

- Ryo can earn money through various other means, including gambling and selling items (e.g. capsule toys and fish he has caught) [9] [17]

- Wild animals such as tortoises, ducks, and frogs can be found in certain areas. Chickens, dogs, cats, turtles, hens, pigeons, and "many more" can be found throughout the world, too, and there might even be the opportunity to care for a pet in a similar fashion to the kitten from the first game [2] [9]


- The game has a tentative release date of 2019 for PlayStation 4 and PC [27]

- In order to appeal to veterans of the series, Shenmue III will be comprised of 30% contemporary ideas/influences and 70% 'classic' Shenmue themes [12]

- The game will feature a short recap covering the events of the first two games for those who are new to the series. Flashbacks using scenes from the first two games will also occur throughout the story; Yu Suzuki is even considering making some of them playable , but is currently "undecided" [9] [11]

- Like its predecessors, Shenmue III will have a bad ending should players not manage to complete the game by a certain in-game date [40]

- Memories will play an important part in Shenmue III . One such example is that of an NPC who will recount a prior event , giving Ryo (and, by extension, the player) a more tangible, visual idea of what occurred before working to fit the pieces together [11]

- Save data from the first two games will not be able to be carried over into Shenmue III

- As of December 2017, almost all of the English voice actors for the main characters have been cast , with casting set to continue in early 2018 [8]

- Yu Suzuki would like to bring back as many of the series' past voice actors as possible. Shenhua (and Wong , if he features in the game) will have a new English voice actress due to Akasha Scholen's retirement [3] [9]

- Corey Marshall and Masaya Matsukaze will reprise their roles as the English and Japanese voices of Ryo Hazuki, respectively [28] [29]

- In a Dreamcast Ultimate interview published on 11/09/2017 , Corey Marshall stated he has been in contact with Yu Suzuki's team and his voice work will begin "soon." In March 2018, Marshall revealed he will begin to record his lines at the end of May [15] [37]

- Yu Suzuki would like to include both the English and Japanese dubs in each respective version, but is currently unsure whether it will be possible [17]

- Key members from the series' original development team are working on the game, including writer Masahiro Yoshimoto , character designer Kenji Miyawaki , composer Ryuji Iuchi , and programmer Takeshi Hirai [13]

- Shenmue III is being built in Unreal Engine 4 , which the team intend to push to its maximum potential , as opposed to the Virtua Fighter engine utilised by the first two games , due to the engine's ease with prototyping, efficiency, and its appropriate colour palette. As a result, the fighting engine is being built from scratch . Yu Suzuki is especially impressed with how far the capabilities of the engine have exceeded his expectations, particularly where graphical quality is concerned [3] [9] [10] [14] [16]

- Dynamic weather will be returning, and will be considerably improved over the previous games. "The lighting of sunsets and sunrises will be really beautiful," according to Yu Suzuki [39]

- Shenmue III utilises motion and magnetic capture technology for its animations, the former of which will be used in the most important action scenes [4]

- Yu Suzuki hopes players will really feel the visuals ; from the humidity in the air to the smell of the surroundings , complemented by the game's new art style [9] [14]

- According to Yu Suzuki, "The assets from [the first two games] will get a lot of use"

- As of early September 2017, map modelling and asset creation is at around 70% completion , whereas the lighting system is very close to completion [9] [16]

- Indian game development studio Lakshya Digital (whose past projects include titles such as Uncharted 2: Among Thieves , Bloodborne , Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , WWE 2K16 , and Just Cause 3 ) will be taking care of much of the game's character art development . Yu Suzuki is very happy with what he has seen so far [13]

- The OST will consist of unused/returning tracks from the original games (of which just 20% were used in the aforementioned) and possibly some new material [3] [9]

- Shenmue III will feature numerous easter eggs [1]

- Yu Suzuki is considering the possibility of a Tomato Mart in the town of Choubu [7]

- DLC is planned , but no further details have been revealed [9]

- Shenmue III will have no online options, though no specifics were given as to the extent to what is considered 'online'


- Following its reveal at E3 2015 on June 15th, Shenmue III was successfully funded on Kickstarter , reaching its initial goal of $2 million in a record eight hours and forty-three minutes, eventually ending in July with a total of $6.333 million (the most-funded video game project and sixth-most-funded overall on Kickstarter) pledged by 69,320 backers [18]

- As of July 23rd, 2018 , funding is at $7.063 million (pledged by 78,953 backers ) thanks to the Slacker Backer campaign [19] [42]

- Shenmue III will be published in PAL and NA regions by Deep Silver , who will be providing additional budget and promotional support, allowing greater budgetary stability and flexibility, as well as enabling Yu Suzuki to greatly expand upon, and truly realise, his vision and hire more freelancers for the project. (The game's publisher in Japan is currently unknown. ) Originally thought to be published by Sony , the latter's role has been clarified as providing support , while SEGA's role is limited to providing the IP and production materials from the series' previous entries [3] [9] [10] [12] [16]

- Contrary to popular belief and misinformation, poor research, and flat-out lies spread by the gaming press, Shibuya Productions is the main investor in Shenmue III , having invested an undisclosed amount in the project, and has a much greater role than Sony . (In fact, SEGA / YSnet / Shibuya Productions formed the agreement to use the Shenmue licence before Sony was ever involved ) [20] [21] [22]

System specs

(Placeholder and subject to change.)


OS: Windows 7x64, Windows 8x64, Windows 10x64 (64-bit OS Required)
Processor: Intel Core i5-4460 (3.40 GHz) or better; Quad-core or better
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti or better (DirectX 11 card & VRAM 2GB Required)
DirectX: Version 11
Network: Broadband internet connection
Storage: 100 GB available space
Sound card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Additional Info: Requires Steam Client to activate.



25/06/2018: Miscellaneous changes and updated the slacker backer pledge total

23/04/2018: Updated with information from previous interviews and talks, and separated information about characters into its own section

18/04/2018: Updated with information from a 2016 DualShockers interview

15/04/2018: Updated with new information from SEGASaturno's MAGIC interview

17/03/2018: Updated with new information from MAGIC 2018 and added more citations for older information

14/01/2018: Added citations to the majority of the facts. Incomplete, but this will be taken care of

23/12/2017: Updated with new information from Shenmue Master's Gamescom interview

16/12/2017: Updated with new information about the temple maiden and made some miscellaneous changes

28/11/2017: Updated the Slacker Backer amount

14/10/2017: Updated with new information from the Shenmue Master recap

28/09/2017: Updated with new information from the latest M! Games Magazine interview

27/09/2017: Updated with new information from the latest Official PlayStation Magazine interview

25/09/2017: Cleaned things up, updated the backer amount/count, and added more information

21/09/2017: Moved information about locations into their own category and added lots of miscellaneous information

17/09/2017: Included Corey Marshall's comments about voice work beginning soon as well as other little tid-bits

12/09/2017: Cleaned things up a bit and elaborated on some information

11/09/2017: Separated 'Story/gameplay' into separate sections and added some more information from the Fok!, Gamona, and Shenmue500k interviews

09/09/2017: Added some more information from the Eurogamer interview

03/09/2017: Cleaned things up a bit

28/08/2017: Added some more information from the interview

27/08/2017: Categorised the information so everything doesn't read as one long list

26/08/2017: Added and corrected some information in light of revelations from Gamescom 2017

20/12/2016: Added some more information, including Shenhua's adoptive father to the confirmed characters list, Nanquan as one of the confirmed fighting styles, and an update to the funding date
by ShenGCH
Fri May 20, 2016 4:31 am
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Re: Shenmue III @Gamescom '17 Discussion - That's All, Folks

A lot of really good interviews. Yu-San has been very consistent of what he's been saying in all of his interviews. I believe he has something really special to reveal by the end of the year to make up of what happened to the initial release being delayed to 2018. A true HD trailer with voice overs and facial animations etc.
by *Kenshin Himura*
Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:15 am
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