What movie are you watching right now?

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Kenny » Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:17 am


Really liked it. Such a fun film.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby KiBa » Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:40 pm

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:58 pm

Saw Ratchet & Clank this morning.
Not the greatest cg movie ever, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Like any cg flick, there are a number of flat jokes throughout (it's a kids movie, so you can't really expect constant comic gold), but the whole thing still shines when the original cast from the games (namely Ratchet, Clank, and Quark) are interacting with each other front and center. It takes a few minutes to really get good, but once you've got Ratchet interviewing for the Galactic Rangers, it really kicks in just how much they've retained the tone of the games. I still absolutely love the fact that they kept the original voice actors for the main parts in a theatrical release like this; just wouldn't be the same without them. The whole thing feels like a big love note to long-time fans, and in itself that's a pretty great quality to have.
One complaint I have though, is that even though Dr. Nefarious is featured as one of the villains, it's actually Nefarious before he goes full-robot... which means he isn't anywhere near the maniacal blast of energy that made him such a classic character in the games. He's a bit restrained in this case, which to a fan will probably make it feel like his best foot isn't being put forward. Maybe an odd complaint, but I loves me some Nefarious, and I want to see him in full batshit nuttypants mode.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Wed May 11, 2016 10:43 pm

Sin City A Dame To Kill For

This one was better than I thought it was going to be, but still mainly just an aesthetic guy movie pleaser, with plenty of action crime and hot babes busting at the seams with the awesome Sin City design layed over it all. Fun flick just like the original.

Total Recall 1990

I never knew how ridiculous this movie was, I heard things about it for years but oddly never gave it a watch until today. It had a weird futuristic late 80s charm even though it was really cheesy alot of the time "and still be home in time for corn flakes" :lol: Wow. Even still it was an engaging flick with a few twists and never really got stale, but the acting and the characters were just really off and hard to believe. I had no idea how huge this movie was when it came out until I looked it up, still trying to get my head around how it was a super high budget film even for back then, because it honestly watches like a B movie. Maybe it has just aged horribly, but some how it was still an entertaining watch.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Tue May 17, 2016 3:39 pm

1995 was a good year for Antonio Banderas flicks. Apparently both this and Desperado were released in the same year, and they're both easily my favorite performances from him. This one in particular has that sort of "Heath Ledger in TDK" thing to it; not that it's an awards-worthy performance, but rather in the way he steals the show away from everyone else in the whole goddamn movie with how deviously charismatic and entertaining he is to watch. So much that, even though he's the bad guy, I kind of wanted him to win anyway. Was always a bit disappointed that Banderas never took on more action roles like this.
Otherwise the movie is just okay. Stallone isn't exactly the most interesting protagonist, especially with his whole cliche "this is the last job" retiring hitman thing. Interesting pedigree for the movie though: directed by Richard Donner and written by the Wachowskis. But dang man, that upstart Banderas kid. Going places.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue May 17, 2016 4:56 pm

The Karate Kid 1-3

These were fun little flicks, the first and second ones were the best, and the third you could tell they were running out of ideas and options. But all in all glad I watched these, I think it had been some 25 or more years since i had seen them and I did not remember much.

The Davinci Code

First time seeing this movie, and I was surprised with how much I enjoyed it. But stuff dealing with religion and secret societies and detective thriller kind of stuff with riddles and puzzles thrown through out for the characters to get through is up my alley, and it was just a nice fun watch. There were a few mis cues in plot and much of the history they present in the film is actually fiction but based on real things, which apparently is a bit of unwritten law to not do, which is why it sparked controversy. But when fictional film starts being judged by real life historical accuracy I think we need to take a look at why we are critiquing.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Mon Jun 20, 2016 3:39 am

I think I randomly flipped past one of the Ginger Snaps sequels on tv the other day, and I took notice of Katharine Isabelle. I remembered seeing her in something from before, but for the life of me I can't remember what. She was in a couple of my favorite episodes of Psych a while back, and I know she's done plenty of tv here and there, but I could have sworn I'd seen her in something else...

Anyway, taking notice of her made me look her up on Netflix, so I watched a couple of her movies last night and tonight: 88 and American Mary.
Neither movie is what I would call genuinely solid cinema. There are some great ideas and cool style choices in each, but to call them great movies might be stretching things; rather, they're precisely the kinds of things I think of when the term "guilty pleasures" comes to mind. The stuff I might enjoy (and yeah, I really did), but really wouldn't recommend to the average audience member.
88 plays out in a really interesting format, almost Memento-esque in a way, but doesn't quite seem to know what it wants to be. Some great stylistic elements here and there, and the timeline-jumping format gives it a nigh-artistic vibe at the end. But in general it feels like a few really good ideas mixed with some weak ones for padding, and all filmed on an extremely limited budget. I actually liked it a lot for some reason, but like I said, I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone.
American Mary, meanwhile, is an interesting, albeit flawed, take on the horror genre. It doesn't feel as much like a "genre" film as most other horror flicks do; it doesn't seem to adopt any particular formula, nor does it rely on "scares" of any kind. It's more the kind of horror flick that tries to stick with you and disturb you with grotesque imagery and mean ideas. And yet, at the same time, I wouldn't qualify it as torture porn or anything like that. It's more like a legitimate drama that just happens to feature it's main character going insane and engaging in gory activities. Interesting execution, but unfortunately the story doesn't go anywhere it really should. Despite a respectable runtime, the ending kind of creeps up and comes out of almost nowhere, leaving much of the story feeling like it's been left dangling.

Like I said, neither movie is "great" by any stretch of the imagination, but there is one thing I can't get over about them: how goddamn fantastic an actress Katharine Isabelle is in both. Seriously, this is one of those cases where I really feel like she ought to be a bigger actress, a bigger name, and ought to be getting more notable roles left and right. And yet, she most often seems to be stuck with small indie and B-movies.
The girl's got some serious screen presence though. And in both of the movies mentioned, her characters arc in ways that essentially feel like each movie has her playing multiple roles, and she's actually convincing and appealing no matter what the role entails. Whether she's acting scared and meek, stoic and cold, or tough and cool, nothing about her acting ever feels forced or unfitting; she always feels completely natural.
I feel like the Hollywood A-list for actresses is pretty fucking boring in general nowadays; I really can't name anyone who might be on it that has ever blown my socks off with their acting or presence.
Katharine Isabelle, though?
She's the type that can hold up bad movies with good acting. A genuine talent.
She ought to be on the A-list.
I'll try to see a bit more of her work, but I might actually call her one of my favorite actresses now, despite the wildly-varying quality of the stuff she tends to be in. I think I might watch just about anything with her in it now.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby south carmain » Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:57 am

Lawrence of Arabia: restored version.

This is my first time watching a restored version of aby movie that is more than 30 years old and I have to say that it looks absolutely amazing. Also it really hits all the right places for me between focussing on amazing scenery shots, telling an incredible story and teaching about foreign culture and history at the same time.

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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:33 pm

Close Encounters of the Third Kind, to sort my alien conspiracy itch I get from time to time.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby Mr357 » Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:26 am

south carmain wrote: Lawrence of Arabia: restored version.

This is my first time watching a restored version of aby movie that is more than 30 years old and I have to say that it looks absolutely amazing. Also it really hits all the right places for me between focussing on amazing scenery shots, telling an incredible story and teaching about foreign culture and history at the same time.

Do you know if they cut anything? The original is insanely long, but one of the best films ever made.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby shengoro86 » Tue Jul 05, 2016 3:43 pm

Recently finished the Full Metal Alchemist, the original series, movie.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby south carmain » Tue Jul 05, 2016 8:22 pm

Mr357 wrote:
south carmain wrote: Lawrence of Arabia: restored version.

This is my first time watching a restored version of aby movie that is more than 30 years old and I have to say that it looks absolutely amazing. Also it really hits all the right places for me between focussing on amazing scenery shots, telling an incredible story and teaching about foreign culture and history at the same time.

Do you know if they cut anything? The original is insanely long, but one of the best films ever made.

I don't think they didas it is still 3 and a half hours long with the stupidly long interval of nothing in the middle.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:57 am

I watched the original Mad Max with Mel Gibson today for the first time and it was an interesting little ride of a movie. It seems like the Mad Max world has alot of aesthetic and lore to it, plus it taking place in what I am assuming is the British Isles setting, and the cars and motorcycles and vehicles and all the leather wearing punk esque characters gave it some flavor. There were a few confusing bits there never were explained but I felt the hardcore atmosphere and dare devil stunts all these crazy over the top characters really pulled off a unique film. Maybe I will watch the 2015 film some day which seems like its on super steroids compared to the original, either way the original film is at least worth a watch.

I qued up some other flicks on my watch list on Amazon Prime so I hope to get through some more movies over the next few days... Trying to figure out if I have the balls to give the movie Signs a watch since its on there too, its probably my all time worst freak out/scary movie that really gets me where it counts.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby OL » Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:55 pm

Mad Max is Australian, not British. And it might have had a lot of lore to it, if not for the fact that each movie is seemingly unrelated to the others. They're best taken as a series of stories with the same basic concepts, but not necessarily a whole lot of continuity. Trying to make sense of how they all fit together will just make your head hurt.
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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:51 am

Yeah I read up about the Australian setting not British (you cant tell just from watching the films, or at least I didnt catch it) shortly after. I also didnt realize there was Mad Max 2 and 3, I just thought there was the one film, so I may have to go back and check out the other 2 from the 80s to see what you are talking about.

I watched the original Terminator today, this must be about the 4th or 5th time I have seen it, but oddly I really dont remember much about it from my previous viewings, this time I caught alot more of the details like SkyNet and the flash back (forward?) sequences which are some of the best parts honestly, alot of what Kyle explains to Sarah and in the Police interogation footage which is all pretty important details. I'll be watching T2 the rest of them soon and lucky me the newest film that came out last year Genysis is on Prime. I mainly remember Terminator for the time between 1991 and 2003 (before T3) when all there was was the first 2 movies, its kind of crazy how much media there is for the series now, guess i'll play catch up because I dont think I remember much of anything after the first movie.
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