Shenmue III teaser is FINALLY HERE!!

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby Enigma » Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:21 am

Fei Fong Wong wrote: In the KS update email i received Yu Suzuki tells that HE DID THE FINT HIMSELF, by Hand! Now thats awesome!

Yeah I noticed that. I almost feel bad for not being too keen on it at first when he clearly put a lot of love in drawing that himself.
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby fittersau » Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:24 am

Enigma wrote:
Fei Fong Wong wrote: In the KS update email i received Yu Suzuki tells that HE DID THE FINT HIMSELF, by Hand! Now thats awesome!

Yeah I noticed that. I almost feel bad for not being too keen on it at first when he clearly put a lot of love in drawing that himself.

I don't think anyone should feel guilty for not liking it, it's your reaction without the knowledge of the source.

Guess what, Yu Suzuki chose the original English "Shenmue" too, so do you feel bad about not using it?

For me, it's primarily about consistency for the three games. If this has a new logo, then it just looks out of place with the previous two games, with my Dreamcast boxes and other paraphernalia.

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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby rbm58 » Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:35 am

Long time forum reader, rare poster. The game looks absolutely stunning in the video and screenshots. I think it is very important to keep in mind that a lot of this footage we have pretty much had confirmed was shown to the 10K backers a year ago. This as Yu says is a small peak at the work they have been doing and to me its mindblowing to think how far this will have come in the past year. I did prefer the previous logo but a minor detail. Yu is clearly an astute guy and i for one have full confidence in the project. Dont get the negative comments this is clearly WIP and we only seeing a very small part of it!!

Peter / Spaghetti just want to say you guys and a number of others do an amazing job on here. Cant wait to see what more comes out this week \:D/

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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby Lan Di-sama » Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:48 am

Since it's being discussed, I'm going to chime in that I really hope they DON'T rehash Disc 4 at the beginning of Shenmue 3. It will almost certainly be truncated to a 20-30min sequence and by rushing through that would really cheapen the actual Guilin introduction from Shenmue 2, which was one of the greatest denouements in gaming.

From a storytelling perspective I can see why it's almost likely that they will recreate Ryo and Shenhua's meeting to some extent, but I hope they can pull it off tactfully (i.e. in the form of a recap video or something)
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby ShenmueForeseen » Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:50 am

I still maintain that Yu Suzuki knows what he is doing with this. The guy is smart. He is well aware that he has released a teaser with no facial animation and some rigid body animation.

I'm of the opinion that the next teaser, or the one soon after that, will show great facial animation. Alternatively the official trailer will. What better way to drum up anticipation than to get people bitching about Shenmue on Neogaf/social media and other places online. The video has 270k views already thanks to Sony releasing it on YouTube. Lots of people are undeniably laughing at Shenmue right now, and I'm incredibly happy about that.

When the devs finally drops a clip showing great animation, everybody who bitched and moaned and laughed at Shenmue is going to be shocked, and Shenmue will stick in their minds more than it would have otherwise. They may at that point even decide to pick up a copy. Whereas if this teaser had just been the same environments but with solid animation many people may very well have thought 'meh, some boring Japanese looking game' and they would immediately forget about it. But now Shenmue has people talking. There's no such thing as bad publicity in the long-term here.

I may be wrong, but I believe in Yu Suzuki.

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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby mjq jazz bar » Tue Aug 22, 2017 8:30 am

I'm not sure intentionally releasing a trailer that's the laughing stock of the internet is a great strategy for a crowd funded game. Seems like a horrible, misguided and irresponsible strategy. That also seems completely unlike Yu Suzuki. The truth is this is what the game looks like until we see or hear otherwise.
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby killthesagabeforeitkillsu » Tue Aug 22, 2017 8:43 am

ShenmueForeseen wrote: When the devs finally drops a clip showing great animation, everybody who bitched and moaned and laughed at Shenmue is going to be shocked, and Shenmue will stick in their minds more than it would have otherwise. They may at that point even decide to pick up a copy. Whereas if this teaser had just been the same environments but with solid animation many people may very well have thought 'meh, some boring Japanese looking game' and they would immediately forget about it. But now Shenmue has people talking. There's no such thing as bad publicity in the long-term here.

I may be wrong, but I believe in Yu Suzuki.

Even if Shenmue III were to magically gain the same production values the previous two games had. You would still have people laughing at the game because it isn't their cup of tea. YSnet needs to focus on Shenmue fanbase first and worry about the people than can't read manuscript later.

This series will never be GTA but it can survive if it maintains the fanbase that made it the number 1 KS game.

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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby Kiske » Tue Aug 22, 2017 8:55 am

Dedicated to the haters out there.


Guess what I'm thinking now...

I'm sure if the facial animations were ready and optimal in the build they've used for the teaser, the feebacks would have been a lot more positive... or a lot less negative ](*,)

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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby VukBZ2005 » Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:09 am

I think the people hating on Shenmue are doing so because they're hateful. It's foolish to believe that something that's clearly a WIP is going to represent Shenmue III when released. That's why I'm sure the hate was going to be there regardless of aspects like facial animations.

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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby ChiefNeo » Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:13 am

Loved the trailer. It actually calmed many worries. This is a trailer that should have been a Kickstarter update and not at a game show, however. The game show atmosphere gives it higher expectations and legitimacy, when all it really was is a sneak peek for supporters.

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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby Your Boy Leroy » Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:24 am

ChiefNeo wrote: Loved the trailer. It actually calmed many worries. This is a trailer that should have been a Kickstarter update and not at a game show, however. The game show atmosphere gives it higher expectations and legitimacy, when all it really was is a sneak peek for supporters.

My thoughts exactly.

While I loved the shit out of the footage, it really shouldn't have debut at a show like this, which probably explains why most of the backlash.
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby Kiske » Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:25 am

ChiefNeo wrote: Loved the trailer. It actually calmed many worries. This is a trailer that should have been a Kickstarter update and not at a game show, however. The game show atmosphere gives it higher expectations and legitimacy, when all it really was is a sneak peek for supporters.

It probably would have been better to publish a Kickstarter update with the teaser Peter and the other backers saw at the Japanese backers dinner, already back in September 2016 and then only show screenshots and slices of gameplay (like they did by the way) until some fully polished trailer was ready for gamers not knowing Shenmue... and medias.

On the other hand, the scale of Shenmue 3 is huge. It's such a deep game on so many aspects.
It's an enormous undertaking for a small team with such a limited budget.

Finally, if they need more time to make the game perfect and decide to postpone it to 2019, it's fine by me.
You know the say... "A rush game is bad forever, a delayed... etc, etc...".
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby Fei Fong Wong » Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:35 am

Kiske wrote: Dedicated to the haters out there.


Guess what I'm thinking now...

I'm sure if the facial animations were ready and optimal in the build they've used for the teaser, the feebacks would have been a lot more positive... or a lot less negative ](*,)

Thanks, now i have a new avatar!

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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby Enigma » Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:43 am

I thought I'd be used to the feeling of having the world trash things I heartily enjoy by now but it's still frustrating when you first see it.

After the initial backlash sting and reading through your comments here, I'm beginning to come to terms with the idea that Shenmue 3 was always going to attract some sniggering/trashing regardless. The hate has been there since the E3 reveal: from people mocking the first two games, to calling Shenmue 3 a 'weird romance game,' to wanting the game to be another Mighty No. 9 disaster for sadistic gratification to now mocking the facial animations. I guarantee when YS Net implement the facial animations the next thing on the list to be mocked will be the voice acting. Quote me on it.

I guess all that really matters now is our - the fans - enjoyment of it. As has already been said here: Suzuki should just focus primarily on pleasing the existing fans of the series as his primary objective. I personally wouldn't mind contributing to another Kickstarter for Shenmue 4 if that's what it takes. So long as he can finish his story for his fans and the outside trashing doesn't dampen his spirit to do so, I could care less what the Internet thinks.

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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

Postby Yokosuka » Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:51 am

Kiske wrote: I'm sure if the facial animations were ready and optimal in the build they've used for the teaser, the feebacks would have been a lot more positive... or a lot less negative

Critics also find worrying that we have yet to see the pedestrian NPCs and actual gameplay with one year and a half from the release. So let me pick the second.
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