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(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Postby MiTT3NZ » Fri Oct 17, 2008 6:30 pm

It's taken a while, but it finally looks like this generation's going somewhere. I'm beginning to feel my interest in games increase...
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Postby white lotus » Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:06 pm

Looks boring. Whats the point of the game now?
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Postby My Best Day is Gone » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:29 pm

I like how people are putting this down because of some EARLY combat scenes.... you know what... every RPG game or game with RPG elements start out with only your basic moves... do you expect the first battles to require any strategy at all? Do you want your ass to be kicked at the start of the game or something?

That being said I could say that playing Sega's Yakuza 2 at the start seemed stiff but as you gain skills and abilities all of that changes... same can be said about Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Symphonia, Kingdom Hearts, blah do I need to go on? You get the point.

As for threeblades hate on Tales of Symphonia : You would have to had played the "sequel" the original Tales of Phantasia first to get it I guess, that is the racism against half-elves... even though the explanation was pretty apparent in Symphonia.

I agree the plot isn't spectacular but it isn't any worst than any of the other JRPGs out there.... name me another JRPG that didn't have plot holes... can you?
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Postby My Best Day is Gone » Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:54 am

threeblades wrote:
even though the explanation was pretty apparent in Symphonia.

I don't remember them ever explaining that, people were just racist just to give Lloyd something to rant about and make everyone say "wow he's so deep" even though he's really not. Even if it was somewhat explained and I just forgot, the whole message was still presented in a very childish manner as if they thought the players were 5 years old.
Everybody in this game is so damn stupid. The fighting is overrated, the jokes aren't funny, the game is predictable, doesn't get you to care about the story, and it doesn't bring anything new to the genre (which wouldn't be so bad if everything was done well but I thought I'd throw it in there).
A plot doesn't have to be exceptionally original if it's at least told in a manner that makes you care about what's gonna happen, which isn't the case here. I spent the WHOLE game wondering when it was gonna "start to get good".

I'm surprised i was able to fool myself into thinking I had made a good purchase, luckily the game had just came out 1 week before I beat it so I was able to resell it at almost full price.

What you said was far from my only gripe with the game anyways, and if the only things one can do to defend it is to point to other games that make the same mistakes, my feelings towards it aren't shaken in the least. This is for sure the most overrated RPG ever, even more than FF7 (because that one was at least GOOD).

I disagree with FF7 being good, I think it is more over rated than anything just because for some it was their first RPG and that made it special to them. But people have different opinions when it comes to these things... but I find it absolutely amazing that someone who is a fan of Shenmue (with it's own set of story related problems) would come and complain about the battle engine and story of TOS for being "easy" and then turn to complain about the storyline when the featured game of this site was known for being easy and had much of the same "problems" you just stated for TOS.
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Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:06 am

Wow, that was EPIC FAIL best day. Did you seriously just try to compare Tales of Symphonia to Shenmue? These games arent even in the least way comparable, at all, period. Ill just assume you were drunk or high or something cause that was a hell of a sloppy thrown together argument.
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Postby My Best Day is Gone » Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:08 am

I'm saying your poor judgment on tales could be spun around and thrown at Shenmue.

reducing your complaint to the basics : "poor" story, easy game play

I'm saying the whole revenge thing was not as convincing as it could be and there are points where it doesn't make sense.... the same argument you stated for TOS.

I'm not saying the game is in anyway similar to Shenmue I'm saying you could take that and slap it on any game you don't like which was the point of the post.
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Postby threeblades » Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:20 am

AnimeGamer183 wrote:Wow, that was EPIC FAIL best day. Did you seriously just try to compare Tales of Symphonia to Shenmue? These games arent even in the least way comparable, at all, period. Ill just assume you were drunk or high or something cause that was a hell of a sloppy thrown together argument.

And not just because the games aren't comparable, but the quality isn't either. For a start, Shenmue never makes you feel like it's made for a 5 years old, nor does it keep trying to make you laugh at pathetically unfunny humor.
Shenmue's story is awesome and makes you care about what's gonna happen. Symphonia just made me want it to be over asap to move on to something else (because I don't like to leave my games unbeaten even if they suck. I also fooled myself into believing Starfox Adventure wasn't bad. I guess I just can't accept the fact that I bought a bad game until I finish it).

Seriously, bringing up Shenmue to defend TOS is like trying to defend some shitty fanfic author by saying "well, shakespeare wasn't perfect either".

I disagree with FF7 being good, I think it is more over rated than anything just because for some it was their first RPG and that made it special to them

Definitely, but it was still way better and more complete than Symphonia with a more compelling story. The fights were better too. But hell, it's no FF6 that's for sure.
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Postby My Best Day is Gone » Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:16 pm

threeblades wrote:
AnimeGamer183 wrote:Wow, that was EPIC FAIL best day. Did you seriously just try to compare Tales of Symphonia to Shenmue? These games arent even in the least way comparable, at all, period. Ill just assume you were drunk or high or something cause that was a hell of a sloppy thrown together argument.

And not just because the games aren't comparable, but the quality isn't either. For a start, Shenmue never makes you feel like it's made for a 5 years old, nor does it keep trying to make you laugh at pathetically unfunny humor.
Shenmue's story is awesome and makes you care about what's gonna happen. Symphonia just made me want it to be over asap to move on to something else (because I don't like to leave my games unbeaten even if they suck. I also fooled myself into believing Starfox Adventure wasn't bad. I guess I just can't accept the fact that I bought a bad game until I finish it).

Seriously, bringing up Shenmue to defend TOS is like trying to defend some shitty fanfic author by saying "well, shakespeare wasn't perfect either".

I disagree with FF7 being good, I think it is more over rated than anything just because for some it was their first RPG and that made it special to them

Definitely, but it was still way better and more complete than Symphonia with a more compelling story. The fights were better too. But hell, it's no FF6 that's for sure.

It is all about perception, cruise on over to Namco's forum and tell them that Shenmue was better than TOS (or use almost any game) and chances are they will disagree.... That and many reviewers have given TOS high marks for all of that which you complained about.

Trying to defend Shenmue is kind of ridiculous considering it can be completed by a 5 year old considering how easy it is to get to point A to B by talking to any NPC. Shenmue's storyline is known for hand holding.... through the entire game.

Now my personal opinion is that it did a better job for the whole fake religion plot that originated from some old movie than FFX (mostly due to FFX having giant plot holes and me being sick of turn based battles) so you must understand, people have different opinions than you. If you cannot understand that then no one can help you.
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Postby threeblades » Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:41 pm

Boohoo. "That's just your opinion" is the last defense of those who have no arguments. I win.
I don't care that RPG-starved gamecube owners disagree. If I see that a game clearly sucks balls I'll say it even if all the noobs think I'm wrong (and besides, "that's just their opinion" so why the fuck even bring it up if that doesn't matter).
But there is such a thing as a well informed, superior opinion. For example a person who went to musical college is more apt to criticize music than some 12 years old little girl who likes britney spears. "You think Mozart is better than Britney, but that's just YOUR opinion!!!". lol.
Comparing Mozart to Britney puts everything into prespective, and comparing Shenmue to that crappy game does the same thing.

And it's not about "completing" the game, moron, it's about having what it takes to "get" it and enjoy it. A 5 years old would not beat Shenmue because they would get bored after 5 minutes and not know what the hell to do. Nor would they beat TOS, which is why the fact that the dialogue is so chidish, sucks. If it was clearly a kid's game targeted at kids then I would never hold that against the game.
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Postby My Best Day is Gone » Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:52 pm

threeblades wrote:Boohoo. "That's just your opinion" is the last defense of those who have no arguments. I win.
I don't care that RPG-starved gamecube owners disagree. If I see that a game clearly sucks balls I'll say it even if all the noobs think I'm wrong (and besides, "that's just their opinion" so why the fuck even bring it up if that doesn't matter).
But there is such a thing as a well informed, superior opinion. For example a person who went to musical college is more apt to criticize music than some 12 years old little girl who likes britney spears. "You think Mozart is better than Britney, but that's just YOUR opinion!!!". lol.
Comparing Mozart to Britney puts everything into prespective, and comparing Shenmue to that crappy game does the same thing.

And it's not about "completing" the game, moron, it's about having what it takes to "get" it and enjoy it. A 5 years old would not beat Shenmue because they would get bored after 5 minutes and not know what the hell to do. Nor would they beat TOS, which is why the fact that the dialogue is so chidish, sucks. If it was clearly a kid's game targeted at kids then I would never hold that against the game.

Only a moron would claim a game is made for a 5 year old then claim another game is not because a 5 year old would get bored of it only to realize that one would have to be a 5 year old or have some kind of warped ability to make all 5 year old kids not an individual in order for his insane judgment of a game title to even make sense.

Judging on the T rating and the way the storyline is written you can clearly see the game is not intended for 5 year olds... your argument looks like the classic old "Gamecube is for kids" bullshit everyone seems to pull out of their ass when their ignorant bias against a game fails much like their memory when they cannot come up with a reasonable explanation for why *insert game title here* sucks other than they didn't like it. :lol:

Say what you will... you still suck at making your case valid.

With that being said, a 5 year old could and would get through a game like Shenmue... it does not have an overly complex plot... it is not a Xenosaga and all of the default battles can be won by repeatedly pressing A
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Postby threeblades » Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:16 am

Nice strawman there. I never claimed it was MADE for 5 years old, I said the themes and dialogues were explained as if it was.

It's pathetic. Everytime somebody tries to defend Suckphonia, it's always one of the following: "that's just your opinion", or "well everybody says its good so there!!!1 (which the idiots also fail to realize that it's also "just those people's opinion").
That, or they try to change the focus to another, more awesome game, and make up lies and ridiculously false accusation to bring it down to Shitphonia's level (as is the case here).
Hey fanboys, even IF another game sucks (which here, it doesn't), that doesn't mean Suckphonia doesn't. Take a logic class. If this person is ugly, that other one can be ugly at the same time too.
The strawman's argument was a nice failure too, the cherry on the shit sunday, nice job

I think I'm done talking about that shitty game. Nobody has ever come up with a proper defense for it, so I know I'm right, as always.

Symphonia sucks cocks, GTFO rpg-noobs, get a Snes or a PS2.
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Postby My Best Day is Gone » Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:03 am

Have it your way stay in your own little world while the rest of the world makes more sense. Sounds more like you're retreating for fear that someone else will read your illogical argument. I find it funny that you suggest a logic class when you have none yourself. Enjoy your life under whatever rock you crawled from under.

Or if you're quick, there is an easier way... click the edit button and make your posts make sense. :lol:
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Postby Bluecast » Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:54 pm

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Postby ys » Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:23 am

Looks nice. Is more known about the gameplay actually?

Some strange comments on the site though.

I'm pretty glad they won't bring thsi to the US because, honestly, who would play it besides a few thousand people?

Why does that make him glad? Does it affect him personally :P
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Postby Atlantean » Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:34 am

What's this?! A Wii game that seems interesting?! THIS IS IT, THE WORLD'S ENDING, PEOPLE!

...eerrrmm, seriously now...

Wow, graphics-wise, it's pretty impressive. Any details on the storyline and gameplay you can provide?
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